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Managing knowledge in the dark: an empirical study of the reliability of capability evaluations
Denrell Jerker
If knowledge is to be managed and transferred, it is essential that members of...
The strength of weak ties you can trust: the mediating role of trust in effective knowledge transfer
Levin Daniel Z.
Research has demonstrated that relationships are critical to knowledge creation and...
Knowledge sourcing effectiveness
Meister Darren B.
Much of the knowledge management (KM) literature focuses on ways to increase the...
Work groups, structural diversity, and knowledge sharing in a global organization
Cummings Jonathon N.
Effective work groups engage in external knowledge sharing – the exchange of...
Optimal investment strategies for flexible resources, considering pricing and correlated demands
Bish Ebru K.
We study the optimal resource investment decision faced by a two-product,...
Lost-sales problems with stochastic lead times: convexity results for base-stock policies
Roundy Robin O.
We consider a single-location inventory system with periodic review and stochastic...
Optimal policies for a capacitated two-echelon inventory system
Kapuscinski Roman
This paper demonstrates optimal policies for capacitated serial multiechelon...
Managing inventory and supply performance in assembly systems with random supply capacity and demand
Bollapragada Ramesh
We consider stock positioning in a pure assembly system controlled using installation...
A series system with returns: stationary analysis
Zipkin Paul H.
This paper analyzes a series inventory system with stationary costs and stochastic...
The single-product lot-sizing problem with constant parameters and backlogging: exact results, a new solution, and all parameter stability regions
Papachristos Sotirios
We consider the single-product lot-sizing problem over a finite planning horizon....
All-or-nothing ordering under a capacity constraint
Gallego Guillermo
We consider a special case of the single-item, periodic-review inventory control...
Coordinating inventory control and pricing strategies with random demand and fixed ordering cost: the finite horizon case
Simchi-Levi David
We analyze a finite horizon, single product, periodic review model in which pricing...
A Brownian approximation of a production–inventory system with a manufacturer that subcontracts
Bradley James R.
This paper considers a production–inventory problem where a manufacturer...
Dynamic lot sizing with batch ordering and truckload discounts
Li Chung-Lun
This paper studies two important variants of the dynamic economic lot-sizing problem...
Incentives for efficient inventory management: the role of historical cost
Reichelstein Stefan
This paper examines inventory management from an incentive perspective. We show that...
What actually happened to the inventories of American companies between 1981 and 2000?
Chen Hong
This paper examines the inventories of publicly traded American manufacturing...
On the benefits of pooling in production–inventory systems
Cooper William L.
We study inventory pooling in systems with symmetric costs where supply lead times are...
Optimal policies for a multi-echelon inventory problem (Andrew J. Clark, Herbert Scarf) with comments
Clark Andrew J.
This paper is taken from a special supplement to the journal Management Science at the...
Dynamic version of the economic lot size model (Harvey M. Wagner, Thomson M. Whitin) with comments
Wagner Harvey M.
This paper is taken from a special supplement to the journal Management Science at the...
Demand allocation in multiple-product, multiple-facility, make-to-stock systems
ElHafsi Mohsen
We consider the problem of allocating demand arising from multiple products to...
Inventory management with asset-based financing
Buzacott John A.
Most of the traditional models in production and inventory control ignore the...
Modeling the impact of merging capacity in production–inventory systems
Iyer Ananth V.
We model two separate, decentralized systems, each consisting of a warehouse and a...
‘Stack them high, let 'em fly’: Lot-sizing policies when inventories stimulate demand
Balakrishnan Anantaram
In some retail contexts, stocking large quantities of inventory may not only improve...
Are supply and plant inspections complements or substitutes? A strategic and operational assessment of inspection practices in biotechnology
Mayer Kyle J.
This paper theoretically and empirically examines the conventional wisdom in...
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