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Found 17049 papers in total
On the interactions between routing and inventory-management policies in a one-warehouse N-retailer distribution system
This paper examines the interactions between routing and inventory-management...
Complexity factors and intuition-based methods for facility network design
Logistics managers frequently utilize decision support systems (DSS) to make facility...
The effects of task information and outcome feedback on individuals' insight into their decision models
When making business decisions, people generally receive some form of guidance. Often,...
A sensitivity analysis approach for some deterministic multi-criteria decision-making methods
Often, data in multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problems are imprecise and...
On the rank-based selection strategy for the group interview problem
For the so-called group interview problem in which several groups of choice...
Managing Delphi surveys using nonparametric statistical techniques
Information systems researchers have often turned to a variant of the Delphi survey...
The role of innovation characteristics and perceived voluntariness in the acceptance of information technologies
The often paradoxical relationship between investment in information technology and...
An empirical test of the strategic-grid model of information systems planning
Contingency models of information systems planning predict that no single planning...
The use of computer-mediated communication in an interorganizational context
The rapid growth of global telecommunication networks, and in particular the Internet,...
The impact of poor performance on risk-taking attitudes: a longitudinal study with a PLS causal modeling approach
This article addresses some important issues in risk-return, or mean-variance,...
A model of the antecedents of perceived ease of use: development and test
The Technology Acceptance Model has been widely used to predict user acceptance and...
The undirected m-peripatetic salesman problem: polyhedral results and new algorithms
In the m-peripatetic salesman problem (m-PSP), the aim is to determine m edge disjoint...
Optimal expected rank in a two-sided secretary problem
In a two-sided version of the famous secretary problem, employers search for a...
Simple stochastic games, parity games, mean payoff games and discounted payoff games are all LP-type problems
We show that a Simple Stochastic Game (SSG) can be formulated as an LP-type problem....
Resolution branch and bound and an application: the maximum weighted stable set problem
We propose a new resolution algorithm, called resolution branch and bound (RBB), where...
The performance consequences of ambidexterity in strategic alliance formations: empirical investigation and computational theorizing
Although alliance studies have generally favored an ambidextrous approach between...
Decision tools to benefit children needing adoption
Millions of children worldwide need permanent families. But traditional paper based...
The effect of digital sharing technologies on music markets: a survival analysis of albums on ranking charts
Recent technological and market forces have profoundly impacted the music industry....
Decision tables
This article discusses an alternative approach in analyzing and modelling consumer...
Data envelopment analysis
This article applies Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to the field of travel and...
An advanced approach to forecasting tourism demand in Taiwan
Forecasting has been considered important in a service industry. Many techniques have...
Campaign spending limits and political advertising
Traditionally, research on political campaigns has focused on the positioning of...
Balancing terrorism and natural disasters – Defensive strategy with endogenous attacker effort
In this paper, we apply game theory to identify equilibrium strategies for both...
A clinically based discrete-event simulation of end-stage liver disease and the organ allocation process
Background. The optimal allocation of scarce donor livers is a contentious health care...
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