Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
Prospects for operations research in the e-business era
The digital economy is creating abundant opportunities for operations research (OR)...
e-commerce and operations research in airline planning, marketing, and distribution
Many e-commerce principles were pioneered in the airline industry. These include the...
A modern simulation course for business students
Simulation was often neglected in undergraduate business curricula for two reasons:...
Remembering Wim Cohen
This article is a short biographical account on deceased Jacob Willem Cohen.
Operations research at Bell Laboratories through the 1970s: Part III
This historical account of operations research at Bell Laboratories was drafted in the...
Operations research trajectories: The Anglo-American experience from the 1940s to the 1990s
This paper is derived from the author's sponsored history of Operations Research in...
A flexible Java representation for uncertainty in online operations-research models
Online OR models have been the subject of increased attention in recent years with the...
Reconsidering the philosophical basis of OR/MS
Many in Operations Research/Management Science (OR/MS) have long predicted a major...
Dynamic multi-sector, multi-instrument financial networks with futures: Modeling and computation
In this paper, we develop a dynamic model of financial behavior in the case of...
Adaptation as information restriction: The hot stove effect
Individuals and social systems are often portrayed as risk averse and resistant to...
Real options in leasing: The effect of idle time
We study options on short-term leases for capital-intensive equipment performing...
Controlling decision-making practice in organizations
How are decision practices fostered in organizations and how are they linked to...
Modeling and analysis of dynamic robust design experiments
This paper investigates the response model approach for the dynamic robust design...
Multidimensional assortment problem with an application
This paper addresses the discrete multidimensional assortment problem. Assortment...
A hybrid expert system for scheduling the US Army's close combat tactical trainer
In recent years, the United States Army has undertaken the development of a new type...
Integrated facilities design using a contour distance metric
The unequal area facility design problem has been studied in the literature generally...
Military operations research: Responding to change
For the 61st Military Operations Research Symposium, the program chair, Dan Barker,...
Benchmarking and efficient program delivery for the United States Department of Defense's business-like activities
In recent years, the concept of total quality management (TQM) has been infused into...
A value-focused approach for laboratory equipment purchases
This paper describes how the USAF Academy allocates its $1 million laboratory...
Bomb damage assessment and sortie requirements
Computer programs that simulate warfare generally do not model bomb damage assessment...
Dynamical instability in combat models: Computer arithmetic and mathematical models of attrition and reinforcement
Foremost, this paper reports a methodology that can be used to assess information gain...
Quality and time-to-market trade-offs when there are multiple product generations
We extend previous work evaluating the quality versus time-to-market trade-off for a...
Military training resource scheduling: System model, optimal and heuristic decision processes
The United States Army trains thousands of new soldiers each year to fill vacancies in...
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