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Found 17049 papers in total
Optimal evasion from a pursuer with delayed information
A class of prescribed duration pursuit–evasion problems with first-order...
Steiner minimal trees with one polygonal obstacle
In this paper we study the Steiner minimal tree T problem for a point set Z with...
An aggregation approach to solving the network p-median problem with link demands
This paper considers the p -median problem on a general network with link demands. We...
Appropriating value from computerized reservation system ownership in the airline industry
It is difficult for the firm competing through information technology resources to...
Multicriterion decision making in irrigation planning
Selection of the best compromise irrigation plan is examined in the multi objective...
Optimal irrigation allocation: A multilevel approach
Optimal resources allocation strategies for a canal command in the semiarid region of...
Multireservoir modeling with dynamic programming and neural networks
For optimal multireservoir operation, a dynamic programming-based neural network model...
The influence of task interruption on individual decision making: An information overload perspective
Interruptions are a common aspect of the work environment of most organizations. Yet...
Linking information technology applications with manufacturing strategy: An intelligent decision support system approach
Research has indicated the importance of matching Information Technology (IT)...
Optimal fault-tolerant networks with a server
Fast computation through parallel processing and large distributed memory are two...
Chainwise paired comparisons
The pairwise comparison technique is a building block of the Analytic Hierarchy...
Exact mixing in an unknown Markov chain
We give a simple stopping rule which will stop an unknown, irreducible n -state Markov...
A hierarchy of hop-indexed models for the capacitated minimum spanning tree problem
The Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Problem (CMSTP) is to find a minimum spanning...
The single allocation problem in the interacting three-hub network
We consider the single allocation problem in the interacting three-hub network with...
Source-limited inclusive routing: A new paradigm for multicast communication
In this paper, we study a combination of the multicast communication problem and the...
Network reliability with node failures
Given a graph whose edges never fail but whose nodes fail independently of each other...
State space partition algorithms for stochastic systems with applications to minimum spanning trees
We investigated state space partition methods for computing probability measures...
The searchlight guarding problem on weighted split graphs and weighted cographs
This paper addresses the searchlight guarding problem, which is an extension of...
A probabilistic local majority polling game on weighted directed graphs with an application to the distributed agreement problem
In this paper, we investigate a probabilistic local majority polling game on weighted...
Constrained length connectivity and survivable networks
Some problems related to constrained length connectivity are addressed in this paper....
Channel assignment and weighted coloring
In cellular telephone networks, set of radio channels (colors) must be assigned to...
Tabu search for the Steiner problem in graphs
Given an undirected graph with weights associated with its edges, the Steiner tree...
Dynamic slope scaling and trust interval techniques for solving concave piecewise linear network flow problems
In this paper, we propose an efficient heuristic approach for solving concave...
A characterization of the two-commodity network design problem
We study the uncapacitated version of the two-commodity network design problem. We...
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