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Found 17049 papers in total
Limit theorems for polling models with increasing setups
Multiclass single-server systems with significant setup times (polling models) are...
On two class-constrained versions of the multiple knapsack problem
We study two variants of the classic knapsack problem, in which we need to place items...
Efficient algorithms for integer programs with two variables per constraint
Given a bounded integer program with n variables and rn constraints, each with two...
Efficient construction of minimum makespan schedules for tasks with a fixed number of distinct execution times
This paper addresses scheduling problems for tasks with release and execution times....
Bounded space on-line bin packing: Best is better than first
We present a sequence of new linear-time, bounded-space, on-line bin packing...
Exact algorithms for linear programming over algebraic extensions
We study the computational complexity of linear programs with coefficients that are...
Fuzzy linear programming problems as bi-criteria optimization problems
In this paper, we consider fuzzy linear programming (FLP) problems which involve fuzzy...
Parallel interior-point method for linear and quadratic programs with special structure
This paper concerns the use of iterative solvers in interior-point methods for linear...
Adaptive use of iterative methods in predictor–corrector interior point methods for linear programming
In this work we devise efficient algorithms for finding the search directions for...
Generalized pseudo univexity and duality in mathematical programming
In the present paper, some of the earlier duality results of Nanda and Das have been...
Expected makespan minimization on identical machines in two interconnected queues
We study the scheduling of jobs in a system of two interconnected service stations,...
A stochastic batching and scheduling problem
We consider a batch scheduling problem in which the processing time of a batch of jobs...
Alternating search at two locations
In this paper we introduce a new class of search problem which we call...
Efficient solution concepts and their relations in stochastic multiobjective programming
In this work, different concepts of efficient solutions to problems of stochastic...
Order picking in carousel systems under the nearest item heuristic
A carousel is a computer-controlled warehousing system, which is widely used to store...
Quadratic integer programming with application to the chaotic mappings of complete multipartite graphs
In this paper, we study the chaotic mappings of complete multipartite graphs. The...
Algorithms for the on-line travelling salesman
In this paper the problem of efficiently serving a sequence of requests presented in...
Feedback competitive advertising strategies with a general objective function
We introduce a general objective function, which incorporates competitive situations,...
Cooperative advertising in a marketing channel
This paper examines dynamic advertising and promotion strategies in a marketing...
A simplified feedback approach to optimal resource management
Optimal exploitation of a renewable capital stock is derived as a feedback rule for a...
Pest outbreaks control: The approach of peak-to-peak dynamics
Insect pest outbreaks in natural and exploited forests are often recursive but...
Effort subsidies and entry deterrence in transboundary fisheries
This paper analyzes a two-stage game, based on the Gordon–Schaefer model of the...
Dynamics of spatial exploitation: A metapopulation approach
In this paper we present a bioeconomic model of a harvesting industry operating over a...
Calculation of steady-state probabilities of M/M queues: Further approaches
This paper draws attention to the risk of rounding error in the numerical evaluation...
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