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Representing and solving decision problems with limited information
Lauritzen Steffen L.
We introduce the notion of LImited Memory Influence Diagram (LIMID) to describe...
An evaluation of research on integrated product development
Gerwin Donald
Integrated Product Development (IPD) creates overlap and interaction between...
Strict uncertainty: A criterion for moderately pessimistic decision makers
Ballestero Enrique
This paper proposes a decision rule to rank actions under strict uncertainty, the...
The market evolution and sales takeoff of product innovations
Bayus Barry L.
In contrast to the prevailing supply-side explanation that price decreases are the key...
Leveraging the strengths of choice models and neural networks: A multiproduct comparative analysis
Papatla Purushottam
Choice models and neural networks are two approaches used in modeling selection...
Performance assessment of the lead user idea-generation process for new product development
Lilien Gary L.
Traditional idea generation techniques based on customer input usually collect...
A structural approach to assessing innovation: Construct development of innovation locus, type, and characteristics
Gatignon Hubert
We take a structural approach to assessing innovation. We develop a comprehensive set...
Preferred by ‘all’ and preferred by ‘most’ decision makers: Almost stochastic dominance
Levy Haim
While ‘most’ decision makers may prefer one uncertain prospect over...
Should start-up companies be cautious? Inventory policies which maximise survival probabilities
Thomas L.C.
New start-up companies, which are considered to be a vital ingredient in a successful...
Comment on ‘generating scenario trees for multistage decision problems’
Klaassen Pieter
In models of decision making under uncertainty, one typically has to approximate the...
Deconstructing the pioneer's advantage: Examining vintage effects and consumer valuations of quality and variety
Golder Peter N.
Several studies have demonstrated an order-of-entry effect on market share, suggesting...
Using a Bayesian approach to quantify scale compatibility bias
Hobbs Benjamin F.
This paper proposes a new analytical framework to quantify and correct for scale...
Investigating the effects of store-brand introduction on retailer demand and pricing behavior
Chintagunta Pradeep K.
Researchers have recently been interested in studying the drivers of store-brand...
New product innovation with multiple features and technology constraints
Sobel Matthew J.
We model a firm's decisions about product innovation, focusing on the extent to which...
Games of simple pursuit and approach on a two-dimensional cone
Melikyan A.A.
The complete solution of two differential games with simple motion on a...
Shared-savings contracts for indirect materials in supply chains: Channel profits and environmental impacts
Corbett Charles J.
There are many materials for which the quantity needed by a firm is at best indirectly...
Gale–Shapley stable marriage problem revisited: Strategic issues and applications
Teo Chung-Piaw
We study strategic issues in the Gale–Shapley stable marriage model. In the...
Capacity acquisition, subcontracting, and lot sizing
Hochbaum Dorit S.
The fundamental question encountered in acquiring capacity to meet nonstationary...
An adaptive, distribution-free algorithm for the newsvendor problem with censored demands, with applications to inventory and distribution
Powell Warren B.
We consider the problem of optimizing inventories for problems where the demand...
Channel coordination under price protection, midlife returns, and end-of-life returns in dynamic markets
Taylor Terry A.
This paper examines three channel policies that are used in declining price...
A note on stock replenishment and shipment scheduling for vendor-managed inventory systems
Axster Sven
In a recent paper, Cetinkaya and Lee model integrated inventory control and shipment...
The newsvendor model with endogenous demand
Dana James D.
This paper considers a firm's price and inventory policy when it faces uncertain...
A two-location inventory model with transshipment and local decision making
Pyke David F.
In situations where a seller has surplus stock and another seller is stocked out, it...
The inventory benefit of shipment coordination and stock rebalancing in a supply chain
Lee Hau L.
In this paper, we examine two information-based supply-chain efforts that are often...
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