Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
Cost models for water supply distribution systems
A major challenge for society in the 21st century wil be replacement, design, and...
Semidefinite programming vs. linear programming relaxations for polynomial programming
We consider the global minimization of a multivariate polynomial on a semi-algebraic...
Facility location model for booster disinfection of water supply networks
Secondary or postdisinfection is widely used to maintain protective levels of...
Cost–benefit analysis of artificial recharge in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada
An integral part of groundwater management in Las Vegas Valley, Nev., is artificial...
A multicommodity network-flow problem with side constraints on paths solved by column generation
The multicommodity network-flow model concerns routing of a number of commodities...
Comparison of fuzzy and nonfuzzy optimal reservoir operating policies
This paper compares reservoir operating policies obtained from fuzzy and nonfuzzy...
Reservoir design and operation with variable lake hydrology
This research quantifies the impact of lake evaporation and rainfall on optimal...
Investment in production resource flexibility: An empirical investigation of methods for planning under uncertainty
We examine several methods for evaluating resource acquisition decisions under...
Multireservoir multiyield model with allowable deficit in annual yield
Yield models produce reasonable reservoir designs with release reliabilities near...
On cones of nonnegative quadratic functions
We derive linear matrix inequality (LMI) characterizations and dual decomposition...
Enhanced artificial neural network inflow forecasting algorithm for run-of-river hydropower plants
An improved artificial neural network-based algorithm for short-term water inflow...
Solving generalized transportation problems via pure transportation problems
This paper investigates certain issues of coefficient sensitivity in generalized...
Prediction of the dewatering of selected inorganic sludges
There are a number of laboratory techniques traditionally used in the characterisation...
Chained Lin–Kernighan for large traveling salesman problems
We discuss several issues that arise in the implementation of Martin, Otto, and...
Chemical and physical pretreatment of ATAD biosolids for dewatering
This paper reports on two modifications to the typical practice of polymer...
Biennial budgeting debates in Congress: 1977–2000
Biennial budgeting and appropriations cycles have been a popular idea among many...
Evaluation of phosphorus retention in a South Florida treatment wetland
The Everglades Construction Project of the South Florida Water Management District...
The synchronization of Poisson processes and queueing networks with service and synchronization nodes
This paper investigates the dynamics of a synchronization node in isolation, and of...
The Everglades Nutrient Removal Project test cells: STA optimization status of the research at the north site
The Everglades is an oligotrophic ecosystem that is being adversely impacted by...
Alternative routeing in fully connected queueing networks
We consider a fully connected queueing network in which customers have one direct and...
Increasing wastewater system performance – the importance of interactions between sewerage and wastewater treatment
The necessity to assess sewer systems and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) as...
Overflow behavior in queues with many long-tailed inputs
We consider a fluid queue fed by the superposition of n homogeneous on–off...
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