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Found 17049 papers in total
A note on the single leg, multifare seat allocation problem
In this note, we attempt to prove the equivalence of the optimality conditions from...
Cognitive foundations of probability
Prediction is based on past cases. We assume that a predictor can rank eventualities...
The reversal median problem
In this paper, we study the Reversal Median Problem (RMP), which arises in...
Project CARE: Reducing wet weather overflows to improve beach water quality
The people who live in North Shore City (New Zealand) consider the beaches as their...
MINLPLib – A collection of test models for mixed-integer nonlinear programming
The paper describes a new computerized collection of test models for mixed-integer...
The evolution of the Federal budget process
The federal budget process is a compilation of many rules and procedures, enacted...
Facets of the complementarity knapsack polytope
We present a polyhedral study of the complementarity knapsack problem. Traditionally,...
An analytic center cutting plane method for semidefinite feasibility problems
Semidefinite feasibility problems arise in many areas of operations research. The...
Integer programming and Arrovian Social Welfare functions
We characterize the class of Arrovian Social Welfare Functions (ASWFs) as integer...
Dynamic optimal groundwater management with inclusion of fixed costs
Obtaining optimal solutions for groundwater resources planning problems, while...
Fuzzy model for real-time reservoir operation
A fuzzy rule-based control model for multipurpose real-time reservoir operation is...
Optimization of multiple freshwater diversions in well-mixed estuaries
A method is presented to optimize diversions of freshwater from multiple points in a...
Network flow optimization model for basin-scale water supply planning
This paper develops a generalized network flow optimization model for long-term...
Relationship between strong monotonicity property, P2-property, and the Globally Uniquely Solvable (GUS)-property in semidefinite linear complementarity problems
In the recent paper on semidefinite linear complementarity problems, Gowda and Song...
Multicriteria siting and sizing of desalination facilities with geographic information system
Desalination of sea and brackish water is gaining interest as a viable water source in...
An infinite-dimensional linear program duality theorem
This paper constructs an infinite-dimensional version of the Duality Theorem for a...
Expert system for prioritizing the inspection of sewers: Knowledge base formulation and evaluation
This paper describes the development of the knowledge base expert system denoted as...
Determining pipe groupings for water distribution networks
Mathematical modelling of a water distribution system allows comparisons between...
Reliability/availability analysis of municipal water distribution networks: Case studies
Reliability/availability analyses are performed on two large-scale municipal water...
Budgetary decision making in the twentieth century: Theories and evidence
Three rival internal change theories of budgeting have characterized the twentieth...
Spatial decision support system for integrated river basin flood control
A prototype spatial decision support system (SDSS) is represented for integrated,...
Floodplain planning with risk-based optimization
Economical integration of permanent and emergency flood control options is a...
Packing random rectangles of given volume
A packing of a collection of rectangles is a disjoint subcollection. In a recent...
Costs for water supply distribution system rehabilitation
There is growing concern over the need to rehabilitate, replace, and repair drinking...
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