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Found 17049 papers in total
Accounting for hybridity: Accrual budgeting in the Dutch central government
In the Dutch central government (following countries like New Zealand, Australia and...
Sources of variation in county property tax inequities
The understanding of assessment inequities in the local property tax is extended by...
The property tax and public education: Are state-initiated tax cuts sustainable?
During the 1990s many states used budget surpluses to refinance public education and...
Inferring infection transmission parameters that influence water treatment decisions
One charge of the United States Environmental Protection Agency is to study the risk...
Soquimich uses a system based on mixed-integer linear programming and expert systems to improve customer service
Determining what fertilizer mix to apply to certain soils is complicated and time...
An integration of thoughts on knowledge management
The last decade has seen an increased focus on knowledge creation and knowledge...
An empirical study of the effect of knowledge amangement processes at individual, group, and organizational levels
To enhance our understanding of knowledge management, this paper focuses on a specific...
Integrating knowledge through information trading: examining the relationship between boundary spanning communication and individual performance
With the global penetration of Internet technologies, individuals may now cross...
Experiential and informational knowledge, architectural marketing capabilities, and the adaptive performance of export ventures: a cross-national study
Knowledge-based view (KBV) theory posits that the acquisition and use of relevant...
The role of knowledge in resource allocation to exploration versus exploitation in technologically oriented organizations
Decisions regarding research and development (R&D) activities of an organization...
Understanding the antecedents of effective knowledge management: the importance of a knowledge-centered culture
Within the context of knowledge management, little research has been conducted that...
The role of existing knowledge in new product innovativeness and performance
The purpose of this study is to provide a more thorough assessment of the link between...
The analytic hierarchy process at Dar Al-Hekma, Saudi Arabia
I designed and implemented a multicriteria group-decision-making model based on the...
Computing power indices for large voting games
Voting power indices enable the analysis of the distribution of power in a legislature...
Global optimization in Rn with box constraints and applications: a Maple code
A variant of the cubic algorithm is presented for global optimization of continuous...
The data of Levy and Levy (2002) ‘Prospect theory: much ado about nothing?’ actually support prospect theory
Levy and Levy present data that, according to their claims, violate prospect theory....
Solving the convex cost integer dual network flow
In this paper, we consider an integer convex optimization problem where the objective...
Variational Lyapunov method for discrete hybrid systems
In this paper, we consider the difference equation ▵y(n) = f(n,y), y(n 0 )...
Delta optimizes continuing-qualification-training schedules for pilots
Delta Air Lines periodically trains its cockpit crew members to maintain their flight...
A specially structured nonlinear integer resource allocation problem
We present an algorithm for solving a specially structured nonlinear integer resource...
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