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A method of staffing large call centers based on stochastic fluid models
Harrison J.M.
We consider a call center model with m input flows and r pools of agents; the m...
Introduction to the theory and practice of yield management
Shumsky Robert
A variety of concepts and analytical tools fall under the label yield management. The...
Maximum principle for age and duration structured systems: A tool for optimal prevention and treatment of HIV
Feichtinger Gustav
Age and duration since infection are considered in a model of optimal control of the...
Who moved my sigma …effective implementation of the six sigma methodology to hospitals
Frings Ginny W.
Six Sigma breakthrough strategy emphasizes the importance of reducing cycle time and...
Prospects for the use of new vaccines in developing countries: cost is not the only impediment
Hausdorff W.P.
Global immunization programs represent a great public health success story. Evidence...
A data envelopment analysis of Major League Baseball and the National Football League
Einolf Karl W.
The data envelopment analysis technique is used to measure franchise payroll...
Strategies for managing the flexible capacity in the airline industry
Bish Ebru K.
The ability to effectively match supply and demand under uncertainty can result in...
Optimization-based analysis of collaborative airport arrival planning
Andersson. Kari
This paper describes a novel optimization-based approach to benefits analysis that...
An airspace planning and collaborative decision-making model: Part I – probabilistic conflicts, workload, and equity considerations
Sherali Hanif D.
We present a large-scale, airspace planning and collaborative decision-making model...
Factors influencing blind conflict risk in en route sectors under free-flight conditions
Willemain. Thomas R.
We develop a simulation model of the flight of aircraft through an en route sector....
Applications of operations research in the air transport industry
Odoni Amedeo R.
This paper presents an overview of several important areas of operations research...
Efficient trip generation with a rule modeling system for crew scheduling problems
Housos Efthymios
Trip generation is the most time consuming phase in the solution process of crew...
Outsourcing logistics: designing transportation contracts between a manufacturer and a transporter
Erkip Nesim K.
In our environment, a manufacturer procures material from a supplier and the supplier...
Economies of scale in empty freight car distribution in scheduled railways
Crainic Teodor Gabriel
In this paper, we consider empty freight car distribution in a scheduled railway...
A variable trip time model for cyclic railway timetabling
Kroon Leo G.
In this paper we describe how variable trip times can be included into an existing...
Using integer programming to solve the train-platforming problem
Billionnet Alain
We consider the problem of assigning trains to the available tracks at a railway...
A whole-link travel-time model with desirable properties
Carey Malachy
In network models for dynamic traffic assignment the link travel times are often...
An agent-based learning approach for teaching the relationship between lot size and cycle time
Dessouky Maged M.
Students in most industrial engineering programs are taught just-in-time and other...
A stochastic modeling approach to real-time prediction of queue overflows
Sheu Jiuh-Biing
Queue overflow is a critical issue in developing queue prediction technologies for...
Positive vs. negative externalities in inventory management: Implications for supply chain design
Zhang F.
In this paper we analyze the impact of supply-side externalities existing among...
Erratum: A stochastic modeling approach to real-time prediction of queue overflows
Sheu Jiuh-Biing
Due to a printer error, incorrect versions of the figures were printed as a part of...
Approximation algorithms for stochastic inventory control models
Levi R.
This is an extended abstract of a paper that was a finalist in the Manufacturing and...
The inhomogeneous kinematic wave traffic flow model as a resonant nonlinear system
Zhang H.M.
The kinematic wave traffic flow model for an inhomogeneous road is studied as a...
Structure of the transition zone behind freeway queues
Daganzo Carlos F.
Observations of freeway traffic flow are usually quite scattered about an underlying...
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