Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
Anticipatory route selection
Mobile communication technologies enable communication between dispatchers and drivers...
A decomposition approach for the inventory-routing problem
In this paper, we present a solution approach for the inventory-routing problem. The...
An exact algorithm for the multiple vehicle pickup and delivery problem
We consider the multiple vehicle pickup and delivery problem (MVPDP) with the...
A two-stage hybrid local search for the vehicle routing problem with time windows
The vehicle routing problem with time windows is a hard combinatorial optimization...
Bombardier Flexjet significantly improves its fractional aircraft ownership operations
The fractional aircraft market is the fastest growing segment of the business aircraft...
How productive is infrastructure? A new approach and evidence from rural India
There have been competing arguments about the effect of public infrastructure on...
Bidding for cattle in the Texas Panhandle
Four beef-processing plants in the Texas Panhandle region procure cattle from feedlots...
The manure hits the land: Economic and environmental implications when land application of nutrients is constrained
The discharge of manure nutrients into area waters from confined animal feeding...
Better technology, better plots, or better farmers? Identifying changes in productivity and risk among Malagasy rice farmers
We introduce a method for properly attributing observed productivity and risk changes...
Targeting conservation investments in heterogeneous landscapes: A distance-function approach and application to watershed management
To achieve an environmental objective at least cost, decision makers must integrate...
Effects of regulations on expected catch, expected harvest, and site choice of recreational anglers
The use of public lands and waterways is often subject to environmental regulations...
Ranking crop yield models using out-of-sample likelihood functions
There has been considerable debate regarding which probability distribution best...
A modeling framework for supply chain simulation: Opportunities for improved decision making
Owing to its inherent modeling flexibility, simulation is often regarded as the proper...
Dow AgroSciences uses simulation-based optimization to schedule the new-product development process
Dow AgroSciences has improved its bottom line by using simulation-based optimization...
Quadrant Homes applies lean concepts in a project environment
Quadrant Homes, a subsidiary of Weyerhaeuser Corporation, provides transferable...
State audits in the United States 1996–2000
Audits are a crucial part of the American system of checks and balances. Adequately...
Sight: automating genomic data-mining without programming skills
We created and tested Sight, a Java-based package that provides a user-friendly...
Beyond the limits of recreation: social costs of gambling in southern Nevada
This study seeks to find the dollar value of social costs of gambling. The authors use...
Soft systems methodology: A context within a 50-year retrospective of OR/MS
Soft systems methodology (SSM) has been used in the practice of operations research...
Ohio University's College of Business uses integer programming to schedule classes
Ohio University's College of Business uses an integer-programming model to assign...
Developing and assembling the Law School Admission Test
Standardized tests are useful for assessing an individual's potential to succeed in...
An assessment of state government revenue changes for the years 1984 through 1997
This paper examines revenue changes for all fifty states in the United States for the...
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