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Mixed-integer programming approach for short-term crude oil scheduling
Moro L.F.L.
This work addresses the problem of crude oil inventory management of a real-world...
An evaluation of heuristic methods for determining the best table mix in full-service restaurants
Kimes Sheryl E.
Little research has been done on the optimal mix of supply in service businesses that...
Full multiscale approach for optimal control of in situ bioremediation
Liu Y.
Solving field-scale optimal groundwater remediation design problems is a challenge,...
Groundwater monitoring network optimization with redundancy reduction
Nunes L.M.
Three optimization models are proposed to select the best subset of stations from a...
Demand-based planning of rural water systems in developing countries
Hopkins O.S.
In the past decade, international donors and governments have generally required water...
Genetic algorithms for reliability-based optimization of water distribution systems
Maier H.R.
A new approach for reliability-based optimization of water distribution networks is...
Multiobjective genetic algorithms for design of water distribution networks
Prasad T.D.
This paper presents a multiobjective genetic algorithm approach to the design of a...
Optimal operation of multireservoir systems: State-of-the-art review
Labadie J.W.
With construction of new large-scale water storage projects on the wane in the US and...
Striking a balance: Long-term groundwater monitoring design for conflicting objectives
Minsker B.S.
This study demonstrates the use of high-order Pareto optimization (i.e., optimizing a...
Operational optimization of water distribution systems using a hybrid genetic algorithm
Savic D.A.
Genetic algorithm (GA) optimization is well suited for optimizing the operation of...
Conjunctive use of surface and groundwater for coastal and deltaic systems
Thandaveswara B.S.
A regional conjunctive use model is developed for a near-real deltaic aquifer system,...
Multiobjective water resources systems analysis using genetic algorithms – application to Chou-Shui River Basin, Taiwan
Chen L.
Multipurpose operation is adopted by most reservoirs in Taiwan in order to maximize...
A multiobjective model for non-point source pollution control for an off-stream reservoir catchment
Kao J.J.
Phosphorus loads from agricultural non-point source pollution (NPSP) significantly...
Waste load allocation for water quality management of a heavily polluted river using linear programming
Cho J.H.
A waste load allocation model using linear programming has been developed for economic...
Investigation of sludge re-circulating clarifiers design and optimization through numerical simulation
Davari S.
In steam thermal power plants (TPP) with open re-circulating wet cooling towers,...
Textile wastewater treatment and reuse by solar catalysis: results from a pilot plant in Tunisia
Bousselmi L.
Based on the results from bench-scale flow-film-reactors (FFR) and aerated cascade...
A unified quadratic-programming-based dynamical system approach to joint torque optimization of physically constrained redundant manipulators
Lee T.H.
In this paper, for joint torque optimization of redundant manipulators subject to...
Control of pH neutralization process using simulation based dynamic programming
Yang D.R.
The pH neutralization process has long been taken as a representative benchmark...
Record breaking optimization results using the ruin and recreate principle
Schrimpf Gerhard
A new optimization principle is presented. Solutions of problems are partly, but...
A simple MC-based algorithm for evaluating reliability of stochastic-flow network with unreliable nodes
Yeh W.C.
A MP/minimal cutset (MC) is a path/cut set such that if any edge is removed from this...
Using bucket brigades to migrate from craft manufacturing to assembly lines
Bartholdi John J.
One way to organize workers that lies between traditional assembly lines, where...
An optimal production and shutdown strategy when a supplier offers an incentive program
Chao Xiuli
Motivated by the incentive programs that have been offered by energy companies under...
Performance analysis of an FMS (flexible manufacturing system) operating under different failure rates and maintenance policies
Savsar Mehmet
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) typically operate at 70–80%...
On the consequences of information delays in the scheduling of semi-automated flexible machines
Caprihan Rahul
Manufacturing systems with varying levels and types of flexibility employ alternative...
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