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Found 17049 papers in total
A literature review on circle and sphere packing problems: Models and methodologies
This paper reviews the most relevant literature on efficient models and methods for...
Testing the APT with the maximum Sharpe Ratio of extracted factors
This paper develops a test of the asymptotic arbitrage pricing theory (APT) via the...
Business unit reorganization and innovation in new product markets
This paper empirically examines how business unit reorganization affects innovation,...
Defining bad news: Changes in return distributions that decrease risky asset demand
We provide a random variable characterization of the necessary and sufficient...
Pioneering inventors or thicket builders: Which US firms use continuations in patenting?
Why do firms use continuations in the prosecution of their patents? Motivated by...
Momentum and mean reversion in strategic asset allocation
We study a dynamic asset allocation problem in which stock returns exhibit short-run...
Truthful bundle/multiunit double auctions
We address the mechanism design problem for a market with multiple buyers and sellers....
Technological innovation and acquisitions
I examine whether technological innovation is a motivating factor in firms'...
Effort, revenue, and cost sharing mechanisms for collaborative new product development
The growing sophistication of component technologies and the rising costs and...
Brand and price advertising in online markets
We model an environment where e-retailers sell similar products and endogenously...
Quality improvement incentives and product recall cost sharing contracts
As companies outsource more product design and manufacturing activities to other...
Selection neglect in mutual fund advertisements
Mutual fund companies selectively advertise their better-performing funds. However,...
Investor competence, trading frequency, and home bias
People are more willing to bet on their own judgments when they feel skillful or...
Privacy protection and technology diffusion: The case of electronic medical records
This paper quantifies the effect of state privacy regulation on the diffusion of...
Resource-limited multiattribute value analysis of alternatives for immobilizing radioactive liquid process waste stored in Saluggia, Italy
This large Italian public works project started with the development of engineering...
Anchor selection and group dynamics in newsvendor decisions‐a note
We conducted a newsvendor experiment in which (i) the subjects were presented with...
A direct test of risk aversion and regret in first price sealed-bid auctions
Why do bidders tend to bid higher than the risk-neutral Nash equilibrium in sealed-bid...
Impact of presentation format and self-reported risk aversion on revealed skewness preferences
This paper reports the results of an experiment on the revealed preference for...
Demand heterogeneity in IT infrastructure services: Modeling and evaluation of a dynamic approach to defining service levels
A key feature of service-oriented models of information technology is the promise of...
Learning Operations Research online: benefits, challenges, and experiences
Information technologies offer new ways to teach and learn Operations Research (OR):...
Learning to build network-oriented epidemic simulation models in epidemiology education
Epidemic simulations and intervention strategy assessments are attracting interest in...
Simulation: Art or science? How to teach it?
This paper discusses the underlying philosophy of simulation education. It discusses...
A model for multidisciplinary graduate education in modelling and simulation
Modelling and Simulation (M&S) is increasingly important in numerous disciplines....
Strategic resource dynamics of manufacturing firms
We conceptualize strategic decision-making processes within a manufacturing firm as...
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