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Workflow analysis of an information technology organization: the case of the operational mode during a time of crisis
Ng K.Y.K.
In this paper, we have developed a project scheduling approach to analyze the...
Stochastic modeling for computational warranty analysis
Wortman M.A.
We examine two key stochastic processes of interest for warranty modeling: (1)...
Evaluating methods for the reliability of a large 2-dimensional rectangular k-within-consecutive-(r, s)-out-of-(m, n): F System
Akiba Tomoaki
A 2-dimensional rectangular k -within-consecutive-( r, s )-out-of-( m, n ):F system...
On the median residual lifetime and its aging properties: A characterization theorem and applications
Lillo Rosa E.
This paper is devoted to study several aspects of the median residual life function...
Properties of the geometric and related processes
Li Wei
Some properties of the geometric process are studied along with those of a related...
A Bayesian paired comparison approach for relative accident probability assessment with covariate information
Merrick Jason R.W.
One of the challenges managers face when trying to understand complex, technological...
A model of market entry in an emerging technology market
Sinha R.K.
The timing of market entry is a critical decision, involving the need to balance the...
The impacts of speed-to-market on new product success: the moderating effects of uncertainty
Chen Jiyao
Time-based strategy is becoming an important weapon to achieve competitive advantage...
On identifying and estimating the cycle time of product development process
Ahn Hyun-Soo
A timely introduction of a new product has become invaluable to the firm since the...
A simulation-based optimization framework for product development cycle time reduction
Adbelsalam H.M.E.
By the mid-1990s, the importance of early introduction of new products to both market...
Two-machine group scheduling problems in discrete parts manufacturing with sequence-dependent setups
Logendran Rasaratnam
This paper focuses on minimizing the total completion time in two-machine group...
An integrated stochastic inventory model with lead time decisions
Lee Kyung-Keun
This paper considers an integrated inventory system with one supplier and one buyer...
Inventory management and behavioral analysis for cooperative purchase
Lee Kyung-Keun
In this paper, we wonder whether inventory management for cooperative purchase among...
Simulation-based heuristic algorithm minimizing average inventory costs on a multi-stage serial inventory system: A service measure perspective
Park Changkyu
Although multi-stage inventory problems have received considerable attention during...
Disruption management in production planning
Yu Gang
We study the problem of recovering a production plan after a disruption, where the...
Analysis of sequencing heuristics in a flexible flow system with hybrid order shipment environments
Leu Bor-Yuh
This study investigates the performance of order-input sequencing heuristics in a...
Quantity discount pricing policies for heterogeneous retailers with price sensitive demand
Wang Qinan
Although quantity discount policies have been extensively analyzed, they are not well...
A due-date oriented scheduling heuristic for job shop cellular manufacturing system
Li Rong-Kwei
Although having gained further insight into scheduling problems involving cellular...
A heuristic for scheduling on nonidentical machines to minimize tardy jobs
Lee Hongchul
This paper considers the nonidentical parallel machine scheduling problem in which n...
Flowshop scheduling by hybridized genetic algorithms: Some new results
Wagneur Edouard
Recent studies suggest that one should hybridize genetic algorithms to take advantage...
An application of order release mechanisms in a batch production flow shop
Heavey Cathal
Recent research efforts have focused on the method of order release as an effective...
A two-machine multi-family flowshop scheduling problem with batch processing
Chern Maw-Sheng
We consider a two-machine multi-family flowshop scheduling problem with non-identical...
A tabu search approach for single machine scheduling with major and minor setups
Liao Ching-Jong
In this paper, we consider a single machine scheduling problem where jobs are grouped...
Group scheduling in parallel manufacturing cells with resource and family assignment flexibility
Ruiz-Torres Alex J.
This paper investigates algorithms that combine resource, family, and order assignment...
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