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Found 17049 papers in total
An experimental study of LP-based approximation algorithms for scheduling problems
Recently there has been much progress on the design of approximation algorithms for a...
Models and tabu search heuristics for the berth-allocation problem
In the Berth-Allocation Problem (BAP) the aim is to optimally schedule and assign...
Near-optimal solutions of large-scale single-machine scheduling problems
The single-machine scheduling problem (SMSP) with release dates concerns the optimal...
Lower bounds for the head–body–tail problem on parallel machines: A computational study of the multiprocessor flow shop
The multiprocessor flow-shop is the generalization of the flow-shop in which each...
An improved augmented neural-network approach for scheduling problems
For the task-scheduling problem, we propose an augmented neural-network approach,...
Discrete stochastic optimization using variants of the stochastic ruler method
We present two random search methods for solving discrete stochastic optimization...
Analytic hierarchy process with fuzzy scoring in evaluating multidisciplinary R&D projects in China
A system for evaluating the outcomes of multidisciplinary R&D projects was...
The impact of aggregating benefit and cost criteria in four multicriteria decision analysis methods
Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) problems (also known as multicriteria...
A multi-objective model for bank ATM networks
In this paper we present an application of the core solution concepts for...
On labeling the vertices of products of complete graphs with distance constraints
Variations of Hale's channel assignment problem, the L ( j , k )-labeling problem and...
Graph distance-dependent labeling related to code assignment in computer networks
For nonnegative integers d 1 , d 2 , and L(d 1 , d 2 ) -labeling of a graph G , is a...
Maximal vertex-connectivity of Sn,k
The class of star graphs is a popular topology for interconnection networks. However,...
A branch-and-price approach for the maximum weight independent set problem
The maximum weight-independent set problem (MWISP) is one of the most well-known and...
The profitable arc tour problem: Solution with a branch-and-price algorithm
In this article, we introduce a new arc routing problem that we call the profitable...
Shock model in Markovian environment
A Markov modulated shock model is studied in this paper. In this model, both the...
A generalization of the weighted set covering problem
We study a generalization of the weighted set covering problem where every element...
Quantifying optimal mesh and ring design costs
During the last decade telecommunication operators have been deploying WDM (Wavelength...
Flow assignment of a stochastic flow network with multiple node pairs
This article mainly generalizes the flow problem for a stochastic flow network from...
Finding the Kth shortest path in a time-schedule network
We consider the problem of finding the K th shortest path for a time-schedule network,...
Updating paths in time-varying networks given arc weight changes
Many transportation applications, including applications in intelligent transportation...
A multiple pairs shortest path algorithm
The multiple pairs shortest path problem (MPSP) arises in many applications where the...
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