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Found 17049 papers in total
Dimensioning large call centres
We develop a framework for asymptotic optimization of a queueing system. The...
Dynamic server allocation for queueing networks with flexible servers
This paper is concerned with the design of dynamic server assignment policies that...
The optimality of hedging point policies for stochastic two-product flexible manufacturing systems
This paper studies the stochastic two-item, periodic review, single facility, flexible...
Benefits of skill chaining in serial production lines with cross-trained workers
To gain insight into the potential logistical benefits of worker cross-training and...
Class scheduling for pilot training
In this paper, we study the class scheduling problem at the training center of...
Multiperson tournaments: an experimental examination
Modern hierarchical organizations, like corporations, must motivate agents to work...
Safeguarding interorganizational performance and continuity under ex post opportunism
Opportunism is a central construct in exchange theory. Economists contend that despite...
Modularity and innovation in complex systems
The problem of designing, coordinating, and managing complex systems has been central...
Diffusion of innovations under supply constraints
In this paper we present a canonical setting that illustrates the need for explicitly...
Reply to ‘A Comment on ‘Price-Endings When Prices Signal Quality’ by Shoemaker et al. (2003)
Although the comment provides some additional insight, it in no way diminishes the...
A Comment on ‘Price-Endings When Prices Signal Quality’ by Stiving (2000)
Stiving proposes an interesting model to explain price-endings. His analysis shows...
The boycott puzzle: consumer motivations for purchase sacrifice
A boycott is never far from a firm's exchanges with its customers. Researchers in...
Industry risk and market integration
Traditionally, integration has been studied at the country level. With increasing...
Five decades of operations management and the prospects ahead
Operations and Supply Chains is the current title for a department that has evolved...
On the coordinated random group replacement policy in multivariate repairable systems
We study a system with multiple components and preventive maintenance. At...
The Big Triangle Small Triangle Method for the Solution of Nonconvex Facility Location Problems
In this paper we propose to modify the big square small square global optimization...
Into the black box: the knowledge transformation cycle
This paper examines how knowledge is integrated in complex technology and product...
Optimal policies for inventory systems with priority demand classes
We consider a periodic review inventory system with two priority demand classes, one...
Optimal policies and approximations for a serial multiechelon inventory system with time-correlated demand
Since Clark and Scarf's pioneering work, most advances in multiechelon inventory...
Inventory control in directed networks: a note on linear costs
We consider periodic review inventory control problems in directed networks, primary...
Monotone forecasts
In this paper we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the distribution of...
The infinite horizon periodic review problem with setup costs and capacity constraints: a partial characterization of the optimal policy
The one-item, periodic review production and inventory system has been extensively...
Ordering and inventory policies for step changes in the unit item cost: a discounted cash flow approach
This paper considers the problem of determining the optimal ordering quantities of a...
Joint inventory replenishment and component allocation optimization in an assemble-to-order system
This paper considers a multicomponent, multiproduct periodic-review assemble-to-order...
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