Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Changing and unchanging the diameter of a hypercube
In a network of processors representing a massively parallel computer, the speed of...
The connectivity of hierarchical Cayley digraphs
The design and analysis of fault tolerant message routing schemes for large parallel...
Perfect Latin squares
Graphs on alphabets are constructed by labelling the vertices with words on a given...
Forwarding indices of K-connected graphs
For a given connected graph G of order n, a routing R is a set of n(n-1) simple paths...
Heuristics for the Steiner problem in graphs
The Steiner problem in graphs (networks) is to find a minimum cost tree spanning a...
The underlying graph of a line digraph
The recovery of a line digraph from its underlying graph is considered in this paper....
Effects of cycle time on integrated procurement-production systems-Sensitivity analysis
Integrated procurement-production models offer scope for establishing a link between...
Table of large (Δ,D)-graphsµ
This paper consists mainly of the table mentioned in the title.
Solving the Euclidean bottleneck biconnected edge subgraph problem by 2-relative neighborhood graphs
In this paper, the authors discuss the Euclidean bottleneck biconnected edge subgraph...
Fast detection and display of symmetry in outerplanar graphs
The automatic construction of good drawings of abstract graphs is a problem of...
Broadcasting and spanning trees in de Bruijn and Kautz networks
The authors prove that, for any , there exists a spanning directed p- ary tree of...
Paroids: A canonical format for combinatorial optimization
Almost all successful exact approaches to hard combinatorial optimization problems are...
Diameters of cubic graphs
For any pair of natural numbers and d , -graph is a graph with maximum degree at most...
Generalized vertex covering in interval graphs
Given an integer i and an undirected graph G , the generalized i -vertex cover problem...
Just-in-Time purchasing: Single or multiple sourcing?
The authors consider two Just-In-Time purchasing models, one utilizing a few sources,...
Evaluating software controls for electronic data interchange
A number of attempts have been made to quantify the problem of control evaluation in...
Transmitting in the n-dimensional cube
Motivated by a certain communication problem the paper shows that for any integer n...
Databases and desktop publishing in the process of reviewing Operational Research OR books
Editors of professional journals are frequently criticised for delays in publication...
Application of the MINORA decision support system to the evaluation of landslide favourability in Greece
The social and economic life of Greece is greatly affected by landslide phenomena...
Linear production functions and the Data Envelopment Analysis
This paper shows that the Data Envelopment Analysis (or Farrell) method is not...
Selecting a text-processing system as a qualitative multiple criteria problem
The Association of Finnish Cities (AFC), an advisory organization for all cities and...
A DSS approach for implementing an online retail banking system: A case study
This article is based on the author’s experience in supervising the development...
Research of physical distribution operations
Corporate Forwarding is a corporate staff department of the Philips Group of...
Modelling a fertiliser distribution system
The fertiliser production-distribution problem is formulated as a mixed zero-one...
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