Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
The minimal average cost flow problem
Given a network with flow costs and arc capacities, the classical min-cost flow...
An analysis of lead lag structures using a frequency-domain approach – empirical evidence from the Finnish and Swedish stock markets
The aim of the paper is to analyse the lead and lag structures of two closely related...
Fuzzy optimal flow on imprecise structures
The main aim of this paper is to study the maximum flow problem when the underlying...
Financial planning with fractional goals
When solving financial planning problems with multiple goals by means of multiple...
Generalized stable models for financial asset returns
A new model utilizing generalized stable distributions for financial asset returns is...
A data parallel augmenting path algorithm for the dense linear many-to-one assignment problem
The purpose of this study is to describe a data parallel primal–dual augmenting...
The effect of axis rotation on distance estimation
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the usefulness of the weighted l p norm as...
Estimation and determination of shortest path length in a road network with obstacles
This paper presents a modelling of natural obstacles in a road network for improving...
A suboptimal solution to a hierarchial network design problem using dynamic programming
Each arc of a network has two nonnegative costs. The primary cost is larger than the...
An empirical investigation of the contribution of IS to manufacturing productivity
Next to the financial sector, the manufacturing industry is the second largest...
Process technologies, learning and brand proliferation
This paper examines a firm's choice between a production system of product dedicated...
Evaluating sampling strategy under 2 criteria
This paper integrates elements of Information Economics, Quality Control, Portfolio...
Specialized inspection problems in serial production systems
When defects are sometimes introduced in a serial manufacturing system, objectives...
The impact of defects on a process with rework
In this paper, we attempt to quantify the impact of defects on various system...
The discrete time–cost tradeoff problem revisited
In the management of a project, the project duration can often be compressed by...
Optimization of order-up-to-S policies for two-level inventory systems with compound Poisson demand
We consider a two-level inventory system with one warehouse and N retailers. Leadtimes...
Activity nets: A guided tour through some recent developments
The first papers on activity nets (under the names of the CPM and PERT) appeared in...
Effects of inflation and time-value of money on an inventory model with time-dependent demand rate and shortages
In a recent paper, Datta and Pal investigated the effects of inflation and time-value...
Economic purchasing strategies for temporary price discounts
The familiar model for determining the optimal stock replenishment strategy for a...
A one-vendor multi-buyer integrated inventory model
We consider a one-vendor multi-buyer integrated inventory model. The vendor seeks to...
On the discrete lot-sizing and scheduling problem with Wagner–Whitin costs
We consider the single-item discrete lot-sizing and scheduling problem. We present a...
Solution of an equiweighted minimax location problem on a hemisphere
A particular continuous single facility minimax location problem on the surface of a...
Competitive location with rectilinear distances
In this paper we consider the problem of locating new facilities which will compete...
A discretizing algorithm for location-problems
A new and simple methodology is proposed to solve both constrained and unconstrained...
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