Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Dynamic setup reduction in production lot sizing with nonconstant deterministic demand
We examine three production policies under nonconstant, deterministic demand and...
Modeling and analysis of machine sharing in manufacturing systems
The issue of machine sharing arises quite frequently in the design and operation of...
Alternate approaches to solving the Holt et al. model and to performing sensitivity analysis
The staircase structure of the recurrence relations for the Holt et al . model can be...
Maximizing the production rate in simple assembly line balancing – a branch and bound procedure
In this paper, a branch and bound procedure for the Simple Assembly Line Balancing...
Compacity planning in manufacturing and computer networks
This paper addresses capacity planning in manufacturing and computer networks. More...
An analytic formula for the mean throughput of K-station production lines with no intermediate buffers
Using the holding time model method, an approximate analytic formula is derived for...
Optimal lot-sizing in an imperfect production system with homogeneous reworkable jobs
We consider a lot-sizing problem in a single-stage imperfect production system where...
Extensions of coloring models for scheduling purposes
Some extensions and variations of basic chromatic scheduling models have been...
A heuristic approach for capacity expansion of packet networks
We address the problem of expanding transmission capacity of an existing packet...
dagen: A generator of testsets for project activity nets
We offer a methodology, and the relevant software, to generate source–terminal...
On the use of the complexity index as a measure of complexity in activity networks
A large number of optimal and suboptimal procedures have been developed for solving...
A tight lower bound for the completion time variance problem
We consider the completion time variance problem. Our main result is a tight lower...
Price-directive decomposition applied to routing in telecommunication networks
The telecommunication network design problem is considered to study the level of...
Queueing theory in manufacturing systems analysis and design: A classification of models for production and transfer lines
Queueing network modeling of manufacturing systems has been addressed by a large...
Analysis of an open tandem queueing network with population constraint and constant service times
We consider an open tandem queueing network with population constraint and constant...
Optimal allocation and backup of computer resources under asymmetric information and incentive incompatibility
This paper presents the optimal allocation and backup of computing resources in a...
Analyzing risk and performance using the multi-factor concept
In this paper, we present a new model to analyze the risk and the expected level of...
Local search heuristics for single-machine scheduling with batching to minimize the number of late jobs
Local search heuristics are developed for a problem of scheduling jobs on a single...
Polynomial algorithms for resource-constrained and multiprocessor task scheduling problems
Resource-constrained scheduling problems with a fixed number of task types are...
The two-machine total completion time flow shop problem
In this paper we study the NP-hard scheduling problem of minimizing total completion...
Two branch and bound algorithms for the permutation flow shop problem
The objective of this paper is to present two exact methods for the permutation flow...
Extending the shifting bottleneck procedure to real-life applications
Much research has been devoted to the job shop scheduling problem since its...
A computational study of constraint satisfaction for multiple capacitated job shop scheduling
We introduce the multiple capacitated job shop scheduling problem as a generalization...
Serial and parallel resource-constrained project scheduling methods revisited: Theory and computation
We consider the so-called parallel and serial scheduling method for the classical...
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