Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Free material optimization via mathematical programming
This paper deals with a central question of structural optimization which is...
Upper robust mappings and vector minimization: An integral approach
A study of upper robust mapping from a topological space to R n and development of...
Bifurcation and adaptation in evolutionary interactive multiobjective linear programming
This paper shows how a formal modeling framework, Evolutionary Systems Design, for...
A model for the relative importance of the criteria in the Multiplicative AHP and SMART
We define the relative importance of any pair of criteria as the substitution rate...
Optimizing solid waste collection in Brussels
This paper reports on a project dealing with waste collection management. A...
A decision-support model for investment decisions in new ventures
The decision to invest in new ventures is characterized by incomplete information,...
Dynamic control charts for finite production runs
A dynamic programming model is developed for the optimization of statistical process...
A simulation model for emergency evacuation
This paper describes the development of a prototype spatial decision support system...
A stocking policy for spare part provisioning under age based preventive replacement
A new policy, called stocking policy for ease of reference, has been advanced for...
The development, validation and implementation of knowledge-based systems
It is now ten years since Operational Research, and other groups that support...
Joint price and lot size determination under conditions of permissible delay in payments and quantity discounts for freight cost
This paper deals with the problem of determining the retailer's optimal price and lot...
Exploiting timely demand information to reduce inventories
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and related technologies are making it less...
Analyzing mathematical models with inductive learning networks
After building and validating a mathematical model, the decision maker frequently...
Estimating the demand distributions of single-period items having frequent stockouts
Very often, the service level of a single-period newsboy-type product is set at such a...
Imprecise sampling and direct decision making
In decision theory, uncertainty is generally modeled through probabilities or...
The risk-structure dependence effect: Experimenting with an eye to decision-aiding
In this paper, we aim at obtaining, from an experimental design in decision making...
Should we use simultaneous equations to model decision-making? A methodological note
This paper argues for a careful consideration of the methodological underpinnings of...
Service level approximations for multiechelon inventory systems
This paper develops an approximate method for predicting the service levels of a...
A note on the existence of continuous representations of homothetic preferences on a topological vector space
Let ⪯ be a complete preorder on a cone K in a topological vector space E , and...
A model for a Mixed Continuous-Periodic Review One-Warehouse, N-Retailer inventory system
This paper analyzes a Mixed Continuous-Periodic Review One-Warehouse, N -Retailer...
Existence of additive utility on positive semigroups: An elementary proof
This paper is concerned with the representability of totally ordered semigroups as...
A classification of literature on determining the lot size under quantity discounts
Determining a lot size in the presence of either all-units or incremental discounts...
Economic replenishment strategies for announced price increases
The usual model for determining the optimal replenishment lot size for an announced...
Production strategies for a stochastic lot-sizing problem with constant capacity
This paper presents a single item capacitated stochastic lot-sizing problem motivated...
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