Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Massively parallel analog tabu search using neural networks applied to simple plant location problems
Neural networks and tabu search are two very significant techniques which have emerged...
A neural network approach to solve the stable matching problem
In this paper two types of neurons, the maximum selection neuron and the maximum...
Joint replacement in an operational planning phase
We consider the problem of combining replacements of multiple components in an...
A branch and bound algorithm for minimizing the number of crossing arcs in bipartite graphs
Acyclic directed graphs are widely used in many fields of economic and social...
Optimal solutions for the machining economics problem with stochastically distributed tool lives
This paper proposes analytical models and numerical procedures for simultaneously...
A heuristic algorithm for the mini-max spanning forest problem
In this paper we formulate the mini-max spanning forest problem for undirected graphs...
An adaptive, multiple restarts neural network algorithm for graph coloring
The graph coloring problem is amongst the most difficult ones in combinatorial...
Relaxation heuristics for a generalized assignment problem
We propose relaxation heuristics for the problem of maximum profit assignment of n...
A lattice approach for pricing of multivariate contingent claims
The lattice approach developed by Boyle, Evnine and Gibbs (BEG) is hitherto one of the...
General local search methods
This paper is a tutorial introduction to three recent yet widely used general...
A new adaptive method for extrapolative forecasting algorithms
A quite serious problem when using time series forecasting methods is choosing the...
Generating pseudo-random time series with specified marginal distributions
Our goal is to generate a target time series with a specified marginal distribution...
Combining ranked mean value forecasts
A methodology is developed for combining mean value forecasts using not only all the...
Forecasting with artificial neural networks: The state of the art
Interest in using artificial neural networks (ANNs) for forecasting has led to a...
Accuracy of judgmental extrapolation of time series data: Characteristics, causes, and remediation strategies for forecasting
This paper links social judgment theory to judgmental forecasting of time series data....
A class of options with stochastic lives and an extension of the Black–Scholes formula
Certain options have a fixed date of maturity but may be cancelled prematurely. This...
On the practical problems of computing seasonal unit root tests
In this paper we explore the practical problems that can arise in computing the...
Seasonal integration and the evolving seasonals model
The paper uses a model of seasonality popular in the 1960s, the evolving seasonals...
An empirical study of seasonal unit roots in forecasting
We assess the usefulness of pre-testing for seasonal roots, based on the Hylleberg et...
Mean shifts, unit roots and forecasting seasonal time series
Examples of descriptive models for changing seasonal patterns in economic time series...
Forecasting of seasonal cointegrated processes
In this paper, forecasts of seasonally cointegrated models are analysed applying the...
Forecasting with periodic models: A comparison with time invariant coefficient models
Working with seventeen quarterly UK macroeconomic variables, characterized as...
Modelling seasonal patterns and long-run trends in U.S. time series
This paper discusses univariate methods used to deal with seasonal data with special...
Performance of periodic error correction models in forecasting consumption data
Periodic time series models have become an appealing tool for the analysis of seasonal...
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