Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A new PCCA method: IDRA
Intercriteria Decision Rule Approach, a new Multiple Criteria Decision Aid method...
Multiple criteria modelling and ordinal data: Evaluation in terms of subsets of criteria
In an earlier article an ordinal multiple criteria model was presented in which each...
Optimization of a non-linear dynamical system for global climate change
We regard the global climate system as a controlled dynamic system, with controls...
Evaluating naval tactical missile systems by fuzzy analytical hierarchy process based on the grade value of membership function
Many decision making problems which are complicated and fuzzy in nature exist in...
HADTS: A decision technology system to support army housing management
The Department of Army must provide its personnel with acceptable housing at minimum...
Complex dynamics and control of arms race
The aim of this paper is to show that asymmetric, nonlinear armament strategies may...
Taguchi-aided search method for design optimization of engineering systems
The Taguchi method emphasizes the design of a robust product that is insensitive to...
A simulation approach to reliability analysis of weapon systems
We report a modeling simulation approach to analyse weapon systems reliability. The...
A comparison of compatibility constraint formulations in Simultaneous Analysis and Design
This paper details results of a comparative study of the formulation of equality...
Stochastic modelling of combat with reinforcement
The homogeneous combat when reinforcements are made at prespecified force levels has...
A linear approximation model for the parameter design problem
We consider the problem of minimizing the variance of a nonlinear function of several...
Feature based feedback into the early stages of design
At Chemnitz University of Technology, at the chair of manufacturing theory, there has...
Developing an integrated model of an aluminium smelter incorporating sub-models with different time bases and levels of aggregation
In this paper an integrated production model of an aluminium smelter is discussed. The...
Modeling Norwegian petroleum production and transportation
In the continental shelf off the coast of Norway, there are several petroleum fields...
Option theory and modeling under uncertainty
Within the framework of some simple models, we explain how option theory can enhance...
The attrition of volunteers
We apply a flexible hazard-rate model to analyze the attrition rate of volunteers with...
Strategic financial risk management and operations research
Risk management has become a vital topic for financial institutions in the 1990s....
A fuzzy goal programming approach for the optimal planning of metropolitan solid waste management systems
The emphasis of waste reduction and recycling requirements prior to incineration and...
Error noted in a Case Study on fund allocation using goal programming
In a recent volume of European Journal of Operational Research [see IAOR...
Efficiency of mutual funds and portfolio performance measurement: A non-parametric approach
In finance, portfolio performance assessment is an important area of research. The two...
Financial modelling: Where to go? With an illustration for portfolio management
The definition of Financial Modelling chosen by the EURO working group on financial...
Low earth orbit satellite based communication systems – research opportunities
Telecommunication systems are undergoing revolutionary changes that are transforming...
A hybrid simulation/optimisation scenario model for asset/liability management
In this paper we describe a decision support model to sustain management of...
Air cargo revenue management: Characteristics and complexities
Air Cargo Revenue Management (CRM) is concerned with the integrated management of the...
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