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Modelling for a dynamic inventory-production control system
Shahani A.K.
The modelling of an inventory control production scheduling system is discussed. The...
Models for multi-echelon repairable item inventory systems with limited repair capacity
Fu Michael C.
The dominant models for inventory control of repairable items, both in the literature...
Reducing depot-related costs of large bus operators: A case study in Bangkok
Perre Peter P.G. van der
Despite high passenger levels, many bus operators in large cities operate at a loss...
Applying Bayesian methodology with a uniform prior to the single period inventory model
Hill Roger M.
We consider the application of the Bayesian approach to parameter estimation to the...
The effect of information on commuters' behavior: A comparative micro-simulation approach
Sinuany-Stern Z.
This paper presents a micro simulation model for studying the effect of information on...
Continuous-review inventory problem with random supply interruptions
Parlar Mahmut
This paper considers a continuous-review stochastic inventory problem with random...
An efficient optimal solution method for the joint replenishment problem
Frenk J.B.G.
During the last two decades, many heuristic procedures for the joint replenishment...
Optimal ordering policies in inventory systems with random demand and random deal offerings
Gurnani Haresh
In this paper, we determine the optimal order policies for a firm facing random demand...
Exact evaluation of (R, Q)-policies for two-level inventory systems with Poisson demand
Forsberg Rolf
In this paper we show how to exactly evaluate holding and shortage costs for a...
Evaluation of (R, Q)-policies for two-level inventory systems with generally distributed customer inter-arrival times
Forsberg Rolf
In this paper we consider a two-level inventory system with a central warehouse and a...
An optimal ordering and issuing policy for a two-stage inventory system for perishable products
Fujiwara Okitsugu
This paper considers the problem of ordering and issuing policies arising in...
A two-echelon allocation model and the value of information under correlated forecasts and demands
Gll Refik
In this article we explore the effects of incorporating forecasts explicitly in a...
A fuzzy EOQ model with demand-dependent unit cost under limited storage capacity
Maiti M.
A fuzzy EOQ model is developed with limited storage capacity where demand is related...
Optimal input substitution of a firm facing an environmental constraint
Hartl Richard F.
In this paper we consider the dynamic behavior of a firm subject to environmental...
Evaluating foreign investment environment in China: A systematic approach
Deng Shengliang
To successfully develop a region's or country's economy, policy-makers have to utilize...
Reformulation of capacitated facility location problems: How redundant information can help
Aardal Karen
When solving hard combinatorial optimization problems by branch-and-bound, obtaining a...
On the boolean-quadric packing uncapacitated facility-location polytope
Lee Jon
We introduce and study the boolean-quadric uncapacitated packing facility-location...
A review of extensive facility location in networks
Mesa Juan A.
A facility is called ‘extensive’ if, for purposes of location, it is too...
Optimal location and capacity of emergency cleanup equipment for oil spill response
Iakovou Eleftherios
Myopic planning and tactical decision-making with regards to oil spill events result...
Sequential location problems
Laporte Gilbert
This paper first introduces some of the major components of location models, in which...
An efficient tabu search procedure for the p-Median Problem
Current John R.
In this paper we present a new solution heuristic for the p-Median Problem. The...
Modelling path flows for a combined ship routing and inventory management problem
Nygreen Bjrn
We consider a combined time constrained ship routing and inventory management problem....
A Lagrangean heuristic for the facility location problem with staircase costs
Holmberg Kaj
In this paper we develop and compare heuristic solution methods for the capacitated...
Weber problems with alternative transportation systems
Carrizosa Emilio
In this paper we address a planar p -facility location problem where, together with a...
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