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Parametric design and optimisation of thin-walled structures for food packaging
Ugail Hassan
In this paper the parametric design and functional optimisation of thin-walled...
Review of the space mapping approach to engineering optimization and modeling
Madsen Kaj
We review the Space Mapping (SM) concept and its applications in engineering...
An overview of first-order model management for engineering optimization
Alexandrov Natalia M.
First-order approximation/model management optimization (AMMO) is a rigorous...
A global optimization approach to laser design
Pintr Jnos D.
The objective of this work is to develop and validate the basis of a novel laser...
Sensitivity analysis methods to design optimal ship hulls
Valorani Mauro
Automatic procedures for the design of ship hull geometrics yielding minimal wave...
A multi-period game theoretic model of venture capitalists and entrepreneurs
Gavious Arieh
This study examines the relationship between a venture capitalist and an entrepreneur...
Measuring the performance of electronic government services
Steyaert Joan C.
The WorldWideWeb (WWW) and the Internet have streamlined government information,...
Designing radiotherapy plans with elastic constraints and interior point methods
Holder Allen
A new linear programming model used to aid in the design of radiotherapy plans is...
The initial effects of physician compensation programs in Taiwan hospitals: implications for staff model health maintenance organizations
Chu Hsuan-Lien
This paper examines whether a Physician Compensation Program (PCP), which was based on...
Relevance of outlier cases in case mix systems and evaluation of trimming methods
Cots Francesc
Objectives: to determine the most appropriate outlier trimming method when the main...
Evaluating Medicaid health maintenance organizations when encounter data are missing: case of developmentally delayed children
Alemi Farrokh
In evaluating Medicaid Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), crucial information...
An exploratory study using data envelopment analysis to assess neurotrauma patients in the intensive care unit
Nathanson Brian Harris
Patients with severe head trauma were studied retrospectively to determine if Data...
Comparing the financial risk of bed-day and diagnosis related group based pricing types using parametric and simulation methods
Hkkinen Unto
The extent of random financial risk involved in the Finnish bed-day and Diagnosis...
IS/IT the prescription to enable medical group practices attain their goals
Wickramasinghe Nilmini
The US spends significantly more money as a percentage of GDP on health care than any...
Appraising the economic efficiency of cancer treatment: an exploratory analysis of lung cancer
Chirikos Thomas N.
This paper tests whether the measured cost-effectiveness of treating different...
Analytical methods for calculating the capacity required to operate an effective booked admissions policy for elective inpatient services
Gallivan Steve
In the UK, hospitals are being encouraged to introduce booked admissions policies for...
Client involvement in simulation model building: hints and insights from a case study in a London hospital
Lane David C.
This paper describes the collaborative process of building a simulation model in order...
Integrated healthcare networks' performance: a growth curve modeling approach
Wan Thomas T.H.
This study examines the effects of integration on the performance ratings of the top...
Optimizing admissions to an intensive care unit
Kaplan Edward H.
This paper presents a model for optimizing admissions to an intensive care unit (ICU)...
ARMADA – a computer model of the impact of environmental factors on health
Gallivan Steve
Environmental impact assessments are conducted on many developments as part of the...
Estimating out-of-hospital mortality due to myocardial infarction
O'Neill Liam
We developed a model to estimate out-of-hospital deaths due to myocardial infarction...
A dynamic Markov model for forecasting diabetes prevalence in the United States through 2050
Thompson Theodore J.
This study develops forecasts of the number of people with diagnosed diabetes and...
Multiplier bounds in data envelopment analysis via strong complementary slackness condition solution
Morita Hiroshi
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a methodology for evaluating the relative...
Cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening in the average risk population
Leshno Moshe
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of cancer death in North America and in...
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