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An integrated location, production, distribution and investment model for a multinational corporation
Huq Faizul
We present a mixed integer linear formulation that extends published models on...
On using tabu search for design automation of very large scale integrated systems
Emmert John M.
Tabu search is a meta-heuristic problem solving technique that, when applied...
Diagnosis of sensors on the controlled plants
Lunkin B.V.
A procedure of testing sensors for compliance with the metrological requirements...
Light-duty vehicles and external impacts: product- and policy-performance assessment
Ylvinger Svante
In order to demonstrate that welfare theory can be put into practice,...
Optimizing the use of contingent labor when demand is uncertain
Larson Richard C.
We develop a new model for flexible workforce management in environments with...
Hybrid heuristics for planning lot setups and sizes
Clark Alistair R.
The planning of a canning line at a drinks manufacturer is discussed and formulated as...
Using tabu search with ranking candidate list to solve production planning problems with setups
Hung Yi-Feng
This study considers production planning problems involving multiple products,...
A new genetic algorithm for the machine/part grouping problem involving processing times and lot sizes
Liang Ming
This paper reports a new genetic algorithm (GA) for solving a general machine/part...
Fuzzy pair-wise dominance and fuzzy indices: an evaluation of productive performance
Kuchta Dorota
Usually, efficient measurement and evaluation are based on the definition of a...
The algorithm for integrating all incidence matrices in multi-dimensional group technology
Li Ming-Liang
Traditional group technology (GT) or cellular manufacturing is limited to two...
Iterative converging algorithms for computing bounds on durations of activities in Pert and Pert-like models
Shragowitz Eugene
Since its invention in 1958, Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) has been...
A hybrid approach to the single line scheduling problem with multiple products and sequence-dependent time
Spina Roberto
The present paper presents a hybrid approach for solving manufacturing scheduling...
A hybrid genetic algorithm for the job scheduling problems
Kim Hyun Soo
The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is one of the most general and difficult of all...
Genetic algorithms for sequencing problems in mixed model assembly lines
Aravindan P.
Mixed model assembly lines are a type of production line where a variety of product...
A branch and bound to minimize the number of late jobs on a single machine with release time constraints
Baptiste Philippe
This paper presents a branch and bound algorithm for the single machine scheduling...
A multiple-crane-constrained scheduling problem in a container terminal
Bish Ebru K.
We consider a container terminal loading and unloading containers to and from a set of...
A branch-and-bound procedure for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem with minimum and maximum time lags
Heilmann Roland
The paper presents an exact procedure for a general resource-constrained project...
Single machine scheduling with symmetric earliness and tardiness penalties
Radhakrishnan Sanjay
This research focuses on scheduling jobs with varying processing times and distinct...
A case study in a two-stage hybrid flow shop with setup time and dedicated machines
Lin Hung-Tso
In this paper we address a scheduling problem taken from a label sticker manufacturing...
Constructing near optimal schedules for the flow-shop lot streaming problem with sublot-attached setups
Sarin Subhash C.
Lot streaming – the process of splitting a production lot into sublots –...
Approximation algorithms in batch processing
Deng Xiaotie
A polynomial approximation scheme for minimizing makespan in a batch processing system...
The flow shop scheduling polyhedron with setup times
Bard Jonathan F.
This paper addresses the problem of improving the polyhedral representation of a...
Approximation schemes for scheduling jobs with common due date on parallel machines to minimize total tardiness
Werner Frank
The problem of scheduling n nonpreemptive jobs having a common due date d on m , m...
Permutation polyhedra and minimisation of the variance of completion times on a single machine
Sharma Prabha
We consider the problem of minimising variance of completion times when n -jobs are to...
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