Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Commercial branch performance evaluation and results communication in a Canadian bank – a Data Envelopment Analysis application
In this paper, we focus on evaluating the performance of the commercial branches of a...
Singular value decomposition in Analytic Hierarchy Process
The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) has been accepted as a leading multiattribute...
Customer attrition analysis for financial services using proportional hazard models
This paper studies the topic of customer attrition in the context of a European...
Developing sorting models using preference disaggregation analysis: An experimental investigation
Within the field of multicriteria decision aid, sorting refers to the assignment of a...
A diffusion approximation model for managing cash in firms: An alternative approach to the Miller–Orr model
This article considers a cash management problem of a typical business firm in a...
A note on a decision support system for multiobjective integer and mixed-integer programming problems
This note presents the main characteristics of a decision support system (DSS) dealing...
Option strategies with linear programming
In practice, all option strategies are decided in advance, given the investor's belief...
PROMISE/scenarios: An interactive method for multiobjective stochastic linear programming under partial uncertainty
In many real contexts where the multiobjective stochastic linear programming can be...
Weak efficiency for multiobjective variational problems
Sometimes, to locate efficient solutions for multiobjective variational problems...
Computational control of an HIV model
We consider a computational approach to solving an optimal control formulation of...
A tabu search algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem
Tabu search approach based algorithms are among the widest applied to various...
Solving the hierarchical Chinese postman problem as a rural postman problem
In the undirected hierarchical Chinese postman problem (HCPP), the edges of a graph...
Bayesian network classifiers for identfying the slope of the customer lifecycle of long-life customers
Undoubtedly, customer relationship management has gained its importance through the...
Level-crossing approach to a time-limited service system with two types of vacations
We consider an M X /G/ 1 queue with nonpreemptive time-limited service and timer and...
When does the cμ rule apply to finite-population queueing systems?
We consider optimal scheduling of the server in a finite-population queueing system...
The dimension for the Europen Union Council under the Nice rules
In this note it is proved that the European Union enlargement voting system under two...
A novel evolutionary formulation of the maximum independent set problem
We introduce a novel evolutionary formulation of the problem of finding a maximum...
On combinatorial approximation of covering 0–1 integer programs and partial set cover
The problems dealt with in this paper are generalizations of the set cover problem,...
The maximum saving partition problem
The input to the maximum saving partition problem consists of a set...
Asymptotic results for batch-variance methods in simulation output analysis
We consider the batching methods for estimating the variance of the sample variance...
An experimental introduction of group process support in social services
This paper reports the results of initial trials of a group process support system...
Returns to scale in different Data Envelopment Analysis models
This paper discusses returns to scale (RTS) in data envelopment analysis (DEA) for...
Improving envelopment in data envelopment analysis
Data envelopment analysis defines the relative efficiency of a decision making unit...
Total cost of ownership purchasing of a service: The case of airline selection at Alcatel Bell
The multiple objective problem of purchasing for business falls into two broad...
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