Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Smoothing trust region methods for nonlinear complementarity problems with P0-functions
By using the Fischer–Burmeister function to reformulate the nonlinear...
Goal programming formulation in nutrient management for rice production in West Bengal
Rice is the dominant crop of West Bengal. Proper nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium...
A relaxed approximate proximal point algorithm
For a maximal monotone operator T , a well-known overrelaxed point algorithm is often...
An exact solution method for reliability optimization in complex systems
Systems reliability plays an important part in systems design, operation and...
Relationships between vector variational-like inequality and optimization problems
In this paper we will establish the relationships between vector variational-like...
Stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints
We introduce stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (SMPEC),...
An anonymous and failure resilient fair-exchange e-commerce protocol
In an electronic commerce environment, the merchant and the customer are unlikely to...
Model checking for design and assurance of e-Business processes
Use of the Internet for electronic business has the potential to revolutionize the way...
Continuity of minimal points with applications to parametric multiple objective optimization
Basing ourselves on general results we investigate stability of Pareto points to...
An experimental investigation of web-based information systems success in the context of electronic commerce
In this paper, we examined web-based information systems success and focused on User...
ϵ-optimality for multiobjective programming on a Banach space
We establish a Langrange multiplier rule, in terms of Clarke generalized gradient,...
Trust in inter-organizational exchanges: a case study in business to business electronic commerce
Given the uncertainties of online transactions, e-commerce encourages the creation of...
Asynchronous transfer mode: virtual path-based network design
We consider the problem of designing an ATM VP-based leased line backbone network....
A conceptual method for solving generalized semi-infinite programming problems via global optimization by exact discontinuous penalization
We consider a generalized semi-infinite programming problem (GSIP) with one...
Reallocation of paths of available bit rate services in a multistage interconnection network-type asynchronous transfer mode switch network
In this paper, we develop algorithms for reallocating paths of available bit rate...
Linear semi-openness and the Lyusternik theorem
A class of set-valued mappings called linearly semi-open mappings is introduced which...
Maximal covering code multiplexing access telecommunication networks
We present a maximal covering model for the network design of code division...
On the relation between 𝒰-Hessian and second-order epi-derivatives
We consider second-order objects for a convex function defined as the maximum of a...
Comparing metaheuristic algorithms for Sonet network design problems
This paper considers two problems that arise in the design of optical...
Products of positive forms, linear matrix inequalities, and Hilbert 17th problem for ternary forms
A form p on ℝ n (homogeneous n -variate polynomial) is called positive...
Solving the semismooth equivalence problem
This paper presents a special semismooth system of equations and a suitable...
Existence of a solution to nonlinear variational inequality under generalized positive homogeneity
We establish several new existence theorems for nonlinear variational inequalities...
On the convergence of the block linear Gauss–Seidel method under convex constraints
We give new convergence results for the block Gauss–Seidel method for problems...
A simulated annealing approach for the circular cutting problem
We propose a heuristic for the constrained and unconstrained circular cutting problem...
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