Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
On stages and consistency checks in stochastic programming
This paper gives a rigorous definition of a stage, usable for dynamic stochastic...
New variants of the criss-cross method for linearly constrained convex quadratic programming
In this paper, S. Zhang's new and more flexible criss-cross type algorithms (with LIFO...
Using neural networks and cognitive mapping in scenario analysis: The case of Turkey's inflation dynamics
This paper has two objectives. First of all, it proposes a dynamic scenario analysis...
An exact method based on Lagrangian decomposition for the 0–1 quadratic knapsack problem
The 0–1 quadratic knapsack problem (QKP) consists in maximizing a quadratic...
Non-parametric direct multi-step estimation for forecasting economic processes
We evaluate the asymptotic and finite-sample properties of direct multi-step...
More on complementarity and substitutability in the transshipment problem
This paper studies complementarity in the transshipment problem. In contrast to the...
Predicting real growth and the probability of recession in the Euro area using the yield spread
Although the spread has been established as a leading indicator of economic activity,...
Forecasting using the trend model wth autoregressive errors
This paper is concerned with forecasting time series generated by the linear trend...
Analysis of a duopoly supply chain and its application in electricity spot markets
This paper studies a supply chain consisting of two suppliers and one retailer in a...
An analysis of queueing systems with multi-task servers
We study a Markovian queueing system with multi-task servers. Each server can perform...
Performance analysis of a GI-Geo-1 buffer with a preemptive resume priority scheduling discipline
In this paper, we analyze a discrete-time GI-Geo-1 preemptive resume priority queue....
Analysis of the BMAP/G/1 retrial system with search of customers from the orbit
We consider a single server retrial queuing model in which customers arrive according...
Service capacity decision and incentive compatible cost allocation for reporting usage forecasts
We consider an M/G/1 queue with multiple users where service capacity can be improved...
Parametric nonlinear programming for analyzing fuzzy queues with finite capacity
This paper proposes a procedure for constructing the membership functions of the...
The heavy-traffic bottleneck phenomenon under splitting and superposition
Since the heavy-traffic bottleneck phenomenon was observed in tandem queues, various...
On some parallels between the loss probability in the GI/G/1 loss system and the delay probability in the GI/G/1 queue
In this paper, it is shown that the stationary probability of loss decreases when the...
Optimal admission to reader–writer systems with no queueing
We consider a reader–writer system with no queueing. An unlimited number of...
On the finite-buffer bulk-service queue with general independent arrivals: GI/M[b]/1/N
We consider a single server finite-buffer bulk-service queue in which the interarrival...
On the waiting time in queues with dependency between interarrival and service times
In this paper a queueing system with partial correlation is considered. We assume that...
A correlated M/G/1-type queue with randomized server repair and maintenance modes
We consider a single machine, subject to breakdown, that produces items to inventory,...
Some well-behaved estimators for the M/M/1 queue
It is known, given the observed traffic intensity ρˆ < 1, the expected...
Analysis of a GI/M/1 queue with multiple working vacations
Consider a GI/M/1 queue with vacations such that the server works with different rates...
Permuted derivative and importance-sampling estimators for regenerative simulations
In a previous paper we introduced a new variance-reduction technique for regenerative...
Efficient data allocation for frequency domain experiments
Frequency domain experiments are efficient screening procedures for identifying...
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