Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Combining latent learning with dynamic programming in the modular anticipatory classifier system
Learning Classifier Systems (LCS) are rule based Reinforcement Learning (RL) systems...
On the complexity of minmax regret linear programming
We consider linear programming problems with uncertain objective function...
Addressing time-scale differences among decision-makers through model abstractions
A decision support system (DSS) may, now more than ever, be shared by multiple...
Support for decision implementation and follow-up
Post-decision activities have not had enough research within the decision making...
Data warehouse clustering on the web
In collaborative e-commerce environments, interoperation is a prerequisite for data...
Assessing the potential of e-business models: towards a framework for assisting decision-makers
Decision makers are faced with an enormous range of electronic business models from...
A list-based compact representation for large decision tables management
Due to the huge size of the tables we manage when dealing with real decision-making...
Learning multicriteria classification models from examples: Decision rules in continuous space
The classification problem statement of multicriteria decision analysis is to model...
Stability analysis of tree structured decision functions
In multicriteria decision problems many values must be assigned, such as the...
Search during decision making
Nearly four hundred non-routine organizational decisions were investigated to discover...
Dealing with imprecise information in group multicriteria decisions: a methodology and a group decision support system architecture
This paper outlines a distributed group decision support system (GDSS) suitable to be...
Multi-attribute decision support system based on fuzzy logic for performance assessment
This paper deals with the problem of assessing the performance of a set of production...
An AHP-based approach to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system selection
An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a critical investment that can...
Combining quantitative and qualitative measures of uncertainty in model-based environmental assessment: The NUSAP system
This article discusses recent experiences with the Numeral Unit Spread Assessment...
Estimation of parameters in latent class models using fuzzy clustering algorithms
A mixture approach to clustering is an important technique in cluster analysis. A...
Fuzzy disk for covering fuzzy points
In this paper, we consider an important fuzzy version of the well known smallest...
Transitivity-preserving fuzzification schemes for cardinality-based similarity measures
A family of fuzzification schemes is proposed that can be used to transform...
Monte Carlo approximation in incomplete information, sequential auction games
We model sequential, possibly multiunit, sealed bid auctions as a sequential game with...
Walverine: a Walrasian trading agent
TAC-02 was the third in a series of Trading Agent Competition events fostering...
The Shapley–Shubik power index for games with several levels of approval in the input and output
Voting systems with several levels of approval in the input and output are considered...
Mechanism design for software agents with complete information
We investigate the mechanism design problem when the agents and the mechanism have...
Agent learning in supplier selection models
We use agent-based modeling to study the performance of a supplier selection model,...
Robust double auction protocol against false-name bids
In this paper, we develop a new double auction protocol called the Threshold Price...
Propositional belief base merging or how to merge beliefs/goals coming from several sources and some links with social choice theory
We give in this paper new results on merging operators. Those operators aim to define...
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