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Managing buyer-seller system cooperation with quantity discount considerations
Li Susan X.
In this paper the authors explore cooperative relationships between two members in a...
Multistage optimization model for dairy production
Reyes Alberto A.
Multistage linear programming representing 13 and 15-mo calving intervals (production...
Operational replacement decision model for dairy herds
Ben-ari Yaron
The model is to aid the decision maker for dairy herds by optimization of replacement...
Ranking dairy sires by a linear programming dairy farm model
Sivarajasingam S.
Dairy sires were ranked for overall merit by an average daughter’s contribution...
A model to estimate the performance, revenues and costs of dairy cows under different production and price situations
Arendonk J.A.M. van
A model was constructed and validated to determine the course of performance, revenues...
A mathematical programming model of a crop-livestock farm system
Morrison David A.
A whole-farm mathematical programming model has been built for dryland crop-livestock...
A model for evaluating grassland management decisions on dairy farms in the UK
Doyle C.J.
The paper describes the structure, use and validation of a farm advisory model...
Profit-maximizing linear program model for dairy cattle
Klein K.K.
Data from a trial with five groups of dairy cows each fed a different amount of...
The economic optimisation of sow replacement decisions by stochastic dynamic programming
Huirne R.B.M.
A stochastic dynamic programming model is designed to determine the economic optimal...
Management guides for insemination and replacement decisions
Arendonk Johna A.M. van
Decisions to inseminate and replace cows should be based on expected future income....
A model simulating the production of dual purpose replacement heifers
Srensen Jan Tind
A dynamic model simulating the production of replacement in a dual purpose herd for...
A management model that helps increase profit on Western Australian dairy farms
Olney G.R.
A whole farm linear programming model (Western Australian Dairy Farm Model) has been...
Use of profit equations to determine relative economic value of dairy cattle herd life and production from field data
Arendonk Johan A.M. van
Profit equations or functions that reflect the realized profitability of cows have...
Optimal replacement in the dairy herd: A multi-component system
Kristensen Anders Ringgaard
The dairy herd is described as a multicomponent system, where the components are the...
A stochastic model simulating the dairy herd on a PC
Srensen Jan Tind
A dynamic model simulating production and state changes in a dairy herd including...
Optimizing model: Insemination, replacement, seasonal production, and cash flow
Arendonk J.A.M. van
Dynamic programming to solve the Markov decision process problem of optimal...
ISFARM-An integrated system for farm management: Applicability
Amir I.
A simulation of an application of ISFARM methodology is presented to demonstrate and...
An adaptive decision-making aid for dairy cow replacement
Kennedy John O.S.
A decision aid is developed for the retention or replacement of individual dairy cows....
A decision support system for dairy farmers and advisors
Mainland David D.
A model has been constructed that is capable of modelling the dairy herd while also...
A decision support system for land use planning at farm enterprise level
Sharifi M.A.
A dynamic land use planning system is described, as a decision support system for land...
An optimization model of the dual-purpose cattle production system in the humid lowlands of Venezuela
Blake Robert W.
The authors developed a deterministic, multi-period linear programming (LP) model of...
Optimizing the herd calving pattern with linear programming and dynamic probabilistic simulation
Dijkhuizen A.A.
Until recently, little attention has been paid to the influence of seasonal variation...
Modifying quantitative forecasts of livestock production using expert judgements-An application to the Australian lamb industry
Vere D.T.
The judgemental modification of quantitative forecasts has become increasingly adopted...
Sustainable yield analysis in a multicohort single-species fishery: A mathematical programming approach
Glen J.J.
The concept of sustainable yield, i.e. the fish catch that can be maintained in the...
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