Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
An adaptive memory heuristic for a class of vehicle routing problems with minmax objective
We propose an heuristic for a class of vehicle routing problems (VRPs) with minmax...
Split-delivery routeing heuristics in livestock feed distribution
This paper describes a feed distribution problem encountered on a cattle ranch in...
Performance in food retailing: A cross-national consideration and comparison of retail margins
The leading United Kingdom food retailers have recently come under considerable...
Role of disease in initiating the crashes of fatally injured drivers
All autopsied car drivers ( n = 480) aged ≥18 years, who were fatally injured and...
An algorithm for a cutting stock problem on a strip
A cutting stock problem is formulated as follows: a set of rectangular pieces must be...
Alternative approaches for one-dimensional slitting problems
Dynamic programming has been used to find the optimal solution for one-dimensional...
Constrained two-dimensional cutting: An improvement of Christofides and Whitlock's exact algorithm
Christofides and Whitlock have developed a top-down algorithm which combines in a nice...
Antilock brakes and risk of front and rear impact in two-vehicle crashes
While antilock brakes (ABS) have been convincingly demonstrated to enhance test track...
An evaluation of the New Zealand graduated driver licensing system
Young drivers have a disproportionately high risk of experiencing a road traffic...
Young drivers' overestimation of their own skill – an experiment on the relation between training strategy and skill
Young drivers' accident involvement may be explained by a number of different factors,...
Modelling of conspicuity-related motorcycle accidents in Seremban and Shah Alam, Malaysia
Preliminary analysis of the short-term impact of a running headlights intervention...
Protection of the side of the head
The side of the head is a frequent impact site for pedal cyclists, motorcyclists, and...
On the use of a mixed integer non-linear programming model for refrigerant design
In this paper, a novel mixed integer non-linear programming model for single component...
Modeling the costs of bridge rehabilitation
Intermediate and long range planning for Departments of Transportation necessitates...
The expertise of finance and accountancy: An interdisciplinary study
We present the story of a research exercise which encompassed the disciplines of...
The age-related risk of occupational accidents: The case of Swedish iron-ore miners
The paper examines age-related accident risks faced by Swedish male iron-ore miners. A...
Optimal banknote replenishing policy by an Issuing Bank
The minimal total cost replenishing policy for legal banknotes by the Bank of Israel...
Market timing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange using derivative instruments
This paper investigates to what extent superior returns can be obtained from a market...
The effects of shopping cart design and prior behavioral history on children's standing in cart seats
Twenty-one males 17–22 months old took part in an experiment of the effects of...
Factors underlying transportation CO2 emissions in the USA: A decomposition analysis
Over the last two decades the contribution of transportation to total energy use and...
An analysis of oil spills from vessel traffic accidents
In addition to the traditional activities such as fishing and transportation, a steady...
Mobile source emission control cost-effectiveness: Issues, uncertainties, and results
Government agencies and private organizations often use cost-effectiveness, calculated...
A multi-disciplinary identification of issues associated with ‘contracting’ in market-oriented health service reforms
Multi-disciplinary perspectives from operational research, management information...
Statistical analysis of accident severity on rural freeways
The growing concern about the possible safety-related impacts of Intelligent...
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