Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
A model of speed profiles for traffic calmed roads
The influence of traffic calming measures on the speed of unimpeded vehicles has been...
Comprehensive regional modeling for long-range planning: Linking integrated urban models and geographic information systems
This study demonstrates the sequential linking of two types of models to permit the...
Maximum car ownership under constraints of road capacity and parking space
This paper presents a model for determining the maximum number of cars by zones in...
Transferring insights into commuter behavior dynamics from laboratory experiments to field surveys
The principal objective of this paper is to perform a comparative analysis and...
The effect of education programs on paratransit demand of people with disabilities
We describe a passenger education program to encourage reponsible use of paratransit...
Solving the pickup and delivery problem with time windows using reactive tabu search
The pickup and delivery problem with time windows requires that a group of vehicles...
Continuum modeling of multiclass traffic flow
In contemporary macroscopic traffic flow modeling, a distinction between user-classes...
Are the objective and solutions of dynamic user-equilibrium models always consistent?
Existing dynamic user-equilibrium traffic assignment (DUETA) models are mostly...
Fictitious play for finding system optimal routings in dynamic traffic networks
We introduce a novel procedure to compute system optimal routings in a dynamic traffic...
An approach to modelling time-varying flows on congested networks
In mathematical programming models of time-varying flows on traffic networks (dynamic...
Access control on networks with unique origin–destination paths
This paper presents improved time-dependent control strategies for small freeway...
Enhancing the universality and transferability of freeway incident detection using a Bayesian-based neural network
Development of a universal freeway incident detection algorithm is a task that remains...
Robustness of the off-line a priori stochastic dynamic traffic assignment solution for on-line operations
This paper focuses on the off-line stochastic dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) problem...
Real-time estimation of turning movement proportions from partial counts on urban networks
Modern traffic signal control systems require reliable estimates of turning flows in...
Intelligent cruise control systems and traffic flow stability
There are two kinds of stability associated with traffic flow problems – string...
A two-stage fuzzy logic controller for traffic signals
This paper presents the design and evaluation of a fuzzy logic traffic signal...
A microscopic simulation model for merging control on a dedicated-lane automated highway system
The automated highway systems (AHS) are not designed as stand-alone transportation...
A queueing based traffic flow model
The assessment of uninterrupted traffic flow is traditionally based on empirical...
Modelling the effects of transport policy levers on fuel efficiency and national fuel consumption
The paper provides an overview of the main features of a Vehicle Market Model which...
A comprehensive daily activity–travel generation model system for workers
This paper develops a comprehensive representation to describe the...
Spatial interaction between the truck flows through the Mexico–Texas border
This paper presents an analysis of the spatial and temporal interactions between truck...
A network flow model for the capacitated lot-sizing problem
The lot-sizing problem considered in this paper consists in planning the production of...
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