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Found 17295 papers in total
Approximation schemes for parallel machine scheduling problems with controllable processing times
We consider the problem of scheduling n independent jobs on m identical machines that...
Makespan minimization subject to flowtime optimality on identical parallel machines
We consider the identical parallel machine problem with makespan minimization subject...
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the early/tardy machine scheduling problem with a common due-date and sequence-dependent setup time
The single-machine early/tardy scheduling problem is addressed in this research. The...
Equal processing and equal setup time cases of scheduling parallel machines with a single server
This paper considers the deterministic problem of scheduling two-operation...
A very fast tabu search algorithm for the permutation flow shop problem with makespan criterion
This paper deals with a classic flow-shop scheduling problem with makespan criterion....
Parallel machine scheduling under a grade of service provision
We consider the problem of scheduling parallel machines that process service requests...
An improved shifting bottleneck procedure for the job shop scheduling problem
In this paper, the job shop scheduling problem with the objective to minimize the...
A note on minimizing maximum lateness in a two-machine no-wait flowshop
Job scheduling for a two-machine flowshop where wait time between the first and the...
A neuro-tabu search heuristic for the flow shop scheduling problem
Flow shop scheduling deals with the sequencing of different jobs that visit a set of...
A novel threshold accepting meta-heuristic for the job-shop scheduling problem
A novel list based threshold accepting (LBTA) algorithm is proposed for solving the...
Minimizing the total weighted flow time in a single machine with controllable processing times
The scheduling problem of a single machine with the minimum total weighted flow time...
A negotiation scheme for autonomous agents in job shop scheduling
Owing to the increasing impact of some environmental factors on manufacturing firms'...
Resource allocation during tests for optimally reliable software
In this research, we develop a framework for performing resource allocation (budget...
A tabu search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and split deliveries
The routing of a fleet of vehicles to service a set of customers is important in the...
A simple and effective evolutionary algorithm for the vehicle routing problem
The vehicle routing problem (VRP) plays a central role in the optimization of...
A parallel hybrid genetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows
A parallel version of a new hybrid genetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem...
A distributed geographic information system for the daily car pooling problem
Following the difficulty of public transport to adequately cover all passenger...
Model for integrating the supply chain of an appliance company: a value of information approach
A supply chain management model is presented in the context of a major household...
Minimizing response time in a two-stage supply chain system with variable lead time and stochastic demand
We consider customer response time minimization in a two-stage system facing...
Models and algorithms for the dynamic-demand joint replenishment problem
This paper considers the problem of coordinated ordering of items having deterministic...
Buyer–seller fuzzy inventory model for a deteriorating item with discount
Multi-objective economic lot size models of deteriorating items for both the buyer and...
Sensitivity analysis for output performance measures in long-range dependent queueing system
Internet traffic has been shown to exhibit characteristics that are very different...
Integrating machine design and control
An Integrated Machine Design and Control (IMDC) environment is described that can...
An efficient heuristic for the expansion problem of cellular wireless networks
In this paper we propose a model for the expansion problem of the network subsystem of...
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