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Optimal single ordering policy with multiple delivery modes and Bayesian information updates
Li Duan
We investigate in this paper a retailer's optimal single ordering policy with multiple...
An application of fuzzy sets theory to the economic order quantity model with imperfect quality items
Chang Hung-Chi
This article investigates the inventory problem for items received with imperfect...
Optimal strategy in vendor–buyer alliances with quantity discount
Wee H.M.
This study develops an optimal pricing and replenishment policy of an integrated...
Population set-based global optimization algorithms: some modifications and numerical studies
Ali M.M.
This paper studies the efficiency and robustness of some recent and well known...
Hybrid genetic algorithm for optimization problems with permutation property
Wang Hsiao-Fan
Permutation property has been recognized as a common but challenging feature in...
A maximal covering location model in the presence of partial coverage
Karasakal Esra K.
The maximal covering location problem (MCLP) addresses the issue of locating a...
Policy iteration type algorithms for recurrent state Markov decision processes
Patek Stephen D.
We introduce and analyze several new policy iteration type algorithms for average cost...
Implementing a mathematical model for locating emergency medical services vehicles in Fayetteville, NC
Tavakoli Asad
Emergency medical services (EMS) aims to reduce the elapsed time to respond to an...
A shock model for the maintenance problem of a repairable system
Lam Yeh
In this paper, a shock model for the maintenance problem of a repairable system is...
Performance management: total quality management versus human resources management – lessons learned
Soltani Ebrahim
This article focuses on the key research findings and challenges pertaining to...
Joint determination of machine cells and linear intercell layout
Lee Shine-Der
The joint problem of manufacturing cell formation and its layout assignment is...
Lot streaming models with a limited number of capacitated transporters in multistage batch production systems
Chiu Huan-Neng
This paper presents a more general mathematical programming model to solve a lot...
The impact of a free-repair warranty policy on economic production quantity model for imperfect production systems
Wang Chih-Hsiung
In this study, the economic production quantity problem in the presence of imperfect...
Scheduling for two-stage production system with setup and assembly operations
Yokoyama Masao
Scheduling for two-stage production system including machining operations, setup...
Economic evaluation of disassembly processes in remanufacturing systems
Grubbstrom R.W.
A model to deal with the disassembly processes in remanufacturing systems is presented...
How does variability in input load relate to the probability of critically delayed delivery in a simple multipart re-entrant flow-line problem?
Nielsen E.H.
Aspects of the computation of tail-probabilities by simulation in the context of a...
Optimal operation planning using fuzzy Petri nets with resource constraints
Wu Rui-Rong
Traditional Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) systems produce rigid operation...
A robust optimization model for stochastic aggregate production planning
Wu Yue
The aggregate production planning (APP) problem considers the medium-term production...
Multicriteria dynamic scheduling methodology for controlling a flexible manufacturing system
Rubinovitz J.
A methodology is presented for the dynamic scheduling of flexible manufacturing...
Tool management in flexible manufacturing systems with network part program
Tolio T.
Recent technological developments have allowed a new concept of a part program to...
Modelling the machine loading problem of Flexible Manufacturing Systems and its solution using a tabu-search-based heuristic
Tiwari M.K.
This paper develops a modelling framework that addresses the machine loading problem...
The application of Adaptive Genetic Algorithms in FMS dynamic rescheduling
Wu Zhiming
Uncertainties in the production process would inevitably result in deviations from the...
Reliability models of m-out-of-n systems under incomplete information
Utkin Lev V.
Most methods of reliability analysis of m -out-of- n systems assume that the precise...
Convex resource allocation for minimizing the makespan in a single machine with job release dates
Kaspi Moshe
We consider the problem of scheduling jobs on a single machine where job-processing...
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