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Total flowtime and makespan for a no-wait m-machine flowshop with set-up times separated
Ventura J.A.
This paper addresses the m -machine no-wait flowshop problem where the set-up time of...
Receiver set partitioning and sequencing for multicasting traffic in a wavelength division multiplexing lightwave single-hop network
Sung C.S.
This paper considers a receiver set partitioning and sequencing problem in a...
A priority list based heuristic for the job shop problem: part 2 tabu search
Shutler Paul M.E.
Following a recent paper by the same author, a priority list-based tabu search...
Employee scheduling and makespan minimization in a flow shop with multi-processor work stations: a case study
Huq Faizul
This paper describes the development of a mixed integer linear programming model for a...
Job scheduling with dual criteria and sequence-dependent setups: mathematical versus genetic programming
Lee Sang M.
Flexibility, speed, and efficiency are major challenges for operations managers in...
An empirical analysis of integer programming formulations for the permutation flowshop
Stafford Edward F.
An empirical analysis was conducted to assess the relative effectiveness of four...
Real-time schedule adjustment decisions: a case study
Mabert Vincent A.
Service capacity management has been extensively studied and successfully applied in...
New heuristics for m-machine no-wait flowshop to minimize total completion time
Allahverdi Ali
This paper presents several new heuristics for the m -machines no-wait flowshop with...
Scheduling two-component products on parallel machines
Yang Wen-Hua
We consider a scheduling problem in which N products are processed on M identical...
Impact of process change on customer perception of waiting time: a field study
Nydick Robert L.
Studies in process change have focused on the improvement of operational performance...
Integrated logistics planning for the air and space expeditionary force
Amouzegar M.A.
The shift to a US Air Force structured for expeditionary operations has presented the...
A single-stage supply chain system controlled by kanban under just-in-time philosophy
Wang S.
The production system using kanban was pioneered by Toyota Motor Company in Japan and...
Parallel discrete event simulation algorithm for manufacturing supply chains
Roy R.
Parallel discrete event simulation (PDES) is concerned with the distributed execution...
How many suppliers are best? A decision-analysis approach
Berger Paul D.
As more supply chains are becoming dependent upon suppliers, an interruption of supply...
The impact of supplier development on buyer–supplier performance
Humphreys P.K.
In recent years, many companies have come to recognize the crucial role that...
Early supplier involvement in the design process: lessons from the electronics industry
McIvor R.
The movement of activities earlier in the product development process, necessitates a...
Supply chain coordination with demand disruptions
Bard Jonathan F.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate a one-supplier–one-retailer supply...
Win–win situations in supply chain partnerships: a tutorial – sharing the gain
Venugopal V.
Supply Chain Management (SCM) is one of the key issues, trends and needs in the...
Supply-chain optimisation – players, tools and issues
Batta Rajan
This paper starts by describing a study that was undertaken to assess the state of the...
Flexible versus fixed timetabling: a case study
Bazargan-Lari M.
This case study presents the timetabling problem of the Flight Training Department at...
A Java™ universal vehicle router for routing unmanned aerial vehicles
Moore J.T.
We consider vehicle routing problems in the context of the Air Force operational...
Improved tabu search algorithm for the handling of route duration constraints in vehicle routing problems with time windows
Laporte G.
This note introduces a refinement to a previously proposed tabu search algorithm for...
Tabu-search simulation optimisation approach for flowshop scheduling with multiple processors – a case study
Yang T.
The flowshop with multiple processors (FSMP) environment is relatively common and has...
Vehicle routing in the 1-skip collection problem
Speranza M.G.
In this paper, we consider a real problem, which we call the 1-skip collection...
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