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Inventory strategies for systems with fast remanufacturing
Vlachos D.
We describe hybrid manufacturing/remanufacturing systems with a long lead time for...
Periodic review (s, S) inventory model with permissible delay in payments
Jaber M.Y.
This paper investigates the effect of permissible delay in payments on ordering...
Forecasting for the ordering and stock-holding of spare parts
Kingsman Brian G.
A modern military organization like the UK's Royal Air Force is dependent on readily...
Deterministic economic order quantity models with partial backlogging when demand and cost are fluctuating with time
Teng J.-T.
In today's time-based competition, the unit cost of a high-tech product declines...
Ensuring feasibility in ‘a generalized quantity discount pricing model to increase supplier's profits’
Buscher U.
Lee and Rosenblatt examine ordering and quantity discount decisions for a...
A modified Silver–Meal heuristic for dynamic lot sizing under incremental quantity discounts
Silver E.A.
This note presents a variation of the well-known Silver–Meal heuristic to deal...
Echelon stock based continuous review (R, Q) policy for fast moving items
Chatterjee A.K.
The superior performance of echelon stock based policies for multi-stage serial and...
Multi-outlet retail site location assessment
Mendes A.B.
One of the most important decisions a retailer can make is where to locate a retail...
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the plant-cycle location problem
Labb M.
The Plant-Cycle Location Problem (PCLP) is defined on a graph G = (I∪J, E) , where...
Minisum collection depots location problem with multiple facilities on a network
Berman O.
We investigate the problem of locating a set of service facilities that need to...
Assessing manufacturing location
Steenhuis Harm-Jan
International location of manufacturing activities is an issue for managers of...
On the evolution of an intelligent maintenance optimization system
Kobbacy K.A.H.
In this paper the author reviews the development of an intelligent maintenance...
A periodic review production and maintenance model with random demand, deteriorating equipment, and binomial yield
Sloan T.W.
In many environments, product yield is heavily influenced by equipment condition....
The control of the setting up of a predictive maintenance programme using a system of indicators
Moya M. Carmen Carnero
Predictive maintenance is one of the maintenance policies which is revolutionising the...
Random effects choice models: seeking latent predisposition segments in the context of retail store format selection
Gonzlez-Benito scar
The aim of this paper is to gain insight into the potential use of random effects...
On models for the operation of a class of electronic marketplaces
Scott Carlton H.
Innovation in information technology and the use of the Internet have enabled...
Complaint management – forget customer satisfaction – improve the process
Johnston Robert E.
It would appear that many organisations are losing out on the main benefits of...
Requirements for modelling e-Business processes
Ball Peter
Companies must not see e-Business as a panacea but instead assess the specific impact...
Measures of organizational effectiveness: private and public sector performance
Parhizgari A.M.
This study provides a platform for the comparison of measures of internal structures...
Models for performance benchmarking: measuring the effect of e-business activities on banking performance
Cook Wade D.
The current paper presents mathematical programming models for use in benchmarking...
Getting to the facts – company benchmarking: issues in data collection and consistency
Robson Andrew
Since 1996 we have been members of a team which has enabled about 750 organisations...
A contribution to the development of strategic control and planning instruments: An acquisition case study
Kunsch P.L.
The present paper is part of the efforts made by the authors in recent years to...
The use of models and methods for strategic planning: Towards an holistic view of strategy
Hamblin D.J.
Formulating manufacturing business strategy is often fragmented in as much as current...
Profit maximimization in a multi-product firm with impatient customers
Wright R.E.
In this paper, the standard model of profit maximization is extended to include...
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