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Found 17295 papers in total
Scheduling with conflicts on bipartite and interval graphs
In this paper, we consider the on-line scheduling of jobs that may be competing for...
Barely random algorithms for multiprocessor scheduling
We consider randomized algorithms for on-line scheduling on identical machines. For...
Scheduling and lot streaming in flowshops with no-wait in process
Lot streaming involves splitting a production lot into a number of sublots, in order...
Complexity of one-cycle robotic flow-shops
We study the computational complexity of finding the shortest route the robot should...
A note on scheduling tall/small multiprocessor tasks with unit processing time to minimize maximum tardiness
We study the scheduling situation where n tasks, subjected to release dates and due...
Concurrent open shop scheduling to minimize the weighted number of tardy jobs
We consider a relaxed version of the open shop scheduling problem – the...
Timing analysis of compound scheduling policies: application to Posix 1003.1B
The analysis of fixed priority preemptive scheduling has been extended in various ways...
The single machine batching problem with family setup times to minimize maximum lateness is strongly NP-hard
In this paper, we consider the single machine batching problem with family setup times...
Efficient approximation schemes for scheduling problems with release dates and delivery times
We consider the problem of scheduling n independent jobs on m identical machines that...
The one-machine problem with earliness and tardiness penalties
We address the one-machine problem in which the jobs have distinct due dates,...
A stronger complexity result for the single machine multi-operation jobs scheduling problem to minimize the number of tardy jobs
We consider the single machine multi-operation jobs scheduling problem to minimize the...
Preemptive scheduling with dedicated processors: applications of fractional graph coloring
We study the problem of scheduling independent multiprocessor tasks, where for each...
Sensitivity analysis for scheduling problems
This paper represents a first attempt at a systematic study of sensitivity analysis...
Lower bounds on the approximation ratios of leading heuristics for the single-machine total tardiness problem
The weakly NP-hard single-machine total tardiness scheduling problem has been...
Best-case response times and jitter analysis of real-time tasks
In this paper, we present a simple recursive equation and an iterative procedure to...
Scheduling protocols for switches with large envelopes
Traditionally, switches make scheduling decisions on the granularity of a packet....
Approximation algorithms for average stretch scheduling
We study the basic problem of preemptive scheduling of a stream of jobs on a single...
NP-hardness of broadcast scheduling and inapproximability of single-source unsplittable min-cost flow
We consider the version of broadcast scheduling where a server can transmit W messages...
A weighted modified due date rule for sequencing to minimize weighted tardiness
Priority dispatching for minimizing job tardiness has been the subject of research...
Predictive, stochastic and dynamic extensions to aversion dynamics scheduling
Schedulers' decisions in real factories deal with perceived risks and impacts. They...
An improved randomized on-line algorithm for a weighted interval selection problem
Given a set of weighted intervals, the objective of the weighted interval selection...
Minimizing total completion time subject to job release dates and preemption penalties
Extensive research has been devoted to preemptive scheduling. However, little...
Minimizing makespan in a two-machine flow shop with delays and unit-time operations is NP-hard
One of the first problems to be studied in scheduling theory was the problem of...
Scheduling search procedures
We analyze preemptive on-line scheduling against randomized adversaries, with the goal...
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