Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Nowcasting quarterly GDP growth in a monthly coincident indicator model
This paper presents an extension of the Stock and Watson coincident indicator model...
The effectiveness of assessments in multiple criteria decisions
For the solution of multiple criteria decisions, the comparative effectiveness of...
Currency forecasting based on an error components-seemingly unrelated nonlinear regression model
This paper proposes to forecast foreign exchange rates by means of an error...
Some problems of evaluating multicriteria decision methods
This paper considers the constraints imposed on the values of particular criteria used...
Daily volatility forecasts: reassessing the performance of GARCH models
Volatility plays a key role in asset and portfolio management and derivatives pricing....
Methods of determining objective, subjective and integrated weights of attributes
In various papers, the weights of attributes are subdivided into objective and...
Sensitivity analysis of a simple additive weight method
The authors depict the optimal criterion linked to sensitivity analysis. The aim is...
Determining the level of agreement of expert estimates
This paper considers the techniques of determining the concordance of expert...
A hybrid normalised multi criteria decision making for the vendor selection in a supply chain model
This paper aims to develop an effective and efficient hybrid normalised multi criteria...
Normalisation in the selection of construction alternatives
In construction, the selection of effective construction alternatives is based on...
Incorporating uncertainty in the PROMETHEE MCDA method
Analyses of complex decision-making problems, involving tradeoffs among multiple...
Fuzzy MCDM based on the concept of α-cut
In a fuzzy multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem, with a hierarchical...
A new fuzzy multicriteria evaluation method for group site selection in geographic information systems
Multiple criteria group site selection problems involve a group of individuals...
Innovation as an objective of knowledge management. Part I: the landscape of management
This is the first of a two-part position paper considering how knowledge management...
Aggregation of aggregating modes in multi-criteria decision making: Synthesis of Type 2 and Level 2 fuzzy sets
A new approach to MCDM in a fuzzy setting based on the aggregation of aggregating...
A fractal forecasting model for financial time series
Financial market time series exhibit high degrees of non-linear variability, and...
Coloring fuzzy graphs
Given a graph G=(V,E) , a coloring function C assigns an integer value C(i) to each...
Partitioned fuzzy integral multinomial logit model for Taiwan's internet telephony market
Customer satisfaction and ease of use are core values within the quality movement....
Matrix games with fuzzy goals and fuzzy payoffs
A two person zero sum matrix game with fuzzy goals and fuzzy payoffs is considered and...
Applying consistent fuzzy preference relations to partnership selection
Partnership selection has been important to the formation of a virtual enterprise....
Interactive fuzzy programming for decentralized two-level linear fractional programming (DTLLFP) problems
This paper presents two new interactive fuzzy programming approaches for a...
Egoist's dilemma: a data envelopment analysis game
This paper deals with problems of consensus-making among individuals or organizations...
Polyhedral studies for minimum-span graph labelling with integer distance constraints
This paper studies the polytope of the minimum-span graph labelling problems with...
Graph coloring approach for image segmentation
In this paper we develop a segmentation scheme for digital images based upon an...
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