Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Exponential smoothing methods in pension funding
‘Smoothed-market’ methods are used by actuaries, when they value pension...
Risk measurement and management of defined benefit pension schemes: a stochastic approach
The traditional actuarial valuation for defined benefit pension schemes operates on...
Pensions modelling
Valuable insights into the problem of how to fund defined benefit pension schemes can...
Some current issues in accounting for the cost of defined benefit pension schemes
This paper discusses the issues underlying the International Accounting Standards...
The future of pension schemes
This note introduces the papers that follow in this special issue of the Journal,...
Preferences, utility and risk perception in engineering decision making
The present paper focuses on the role and the modelling of preferences in risk based...
Generalization of two- and three-dimensional structural topology optimization
This paper explores fundamental issues on the quality of structural topology...
Risk-management and risk-analysis-based decision tools for attacks on electric power
Incident data about disruptions to the electric power grid provide useful information...
Robust decentralized design of power system stabilizers taking into consideration system uncertainties
In complex power systems, changes in network configurations, various loading...
Voltage security and reactive power management
The focus of this paper is on voltage security as a function of ancillary services...
Interior point cutting plane method for optimal power flow
In this paper, an interior point cutting plane method (IPCPM) is applied to solve...
Market power analysis in electricity markets using supply function equilibrium model
This paper presents a surveillance method based on the game theory which is used by...
Optimization techniques for Available Transfer Capability (ATC) and market calculations
The recent movement towards an open, competitive market environment introduced new...
Modelling locational price spreads in competitive electricity markets; applications for transmission rights valuation and replication
The restructuring of the electric utilities industry has forced industry participants...
Profit-based generation resource planning
This paper presents an optimal generation resource planning model based on an expected...
In search of leading indicators of economic activity in Germany
In this paper we present two new composite leading indicators of economic activity in...
Polynomial algorithms for a two-class multiprocessor scheduling problem in mobile telecommunications systems
In Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems radio access, information packets of...
Locational decision-making and pattern of diffusion of frozen fish depots in Ibadan city, Nigeria
The diffusion of frozen fish depots in Ibadan Metropolitan Area was examined to...
Developing futures for agriculture in the Netherlands: a systematic exploration of the strategic value of foresight
Science and Technology Foresight is an interactive and systematic exploration of...
Infinite-horizon optimal advertising in a market for durable goods
In this paper we analyse the optimal infinite-horizon advertising policy of a...
Advertising for the introduction of an age-sensitive product
An age-dependent market segmentation is often observed for real life products. We...
Scheduling web advertisements: a note on the minspace problem
Free services to internet users are commonly available on many web sites, e.g.,...
Real-time optimal-route computation: a heuristic approach
Optimal-route computation is an important function that is needed in many...
A computational study of a cutting plane algorithm for university course timetabling
In this paper, we describe a case-study where a Branch-and-Cut algorithm yields the...
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