Country: Finland

Found 52 papers in total
An overview on quantitative and genomic tools for utilising dominance genetic variation in improving animal production
In addition to genetic progress made by selection on additive genetic values,...
Possibilities to aggregate raster cells through spatial optimization in forest planning
This study divided the forest into raster cells and used these cells as calculation...
Application of ant colony optimization for the risk management of wind damage in forest planning
Ant colony optimization (ACO) is still quite a new technique and seldom used in the...
Application of ant colony optimization for the risk management of wind damage in forest planning
Ant colony optimization (ACO) is still quite a new technique and seldom used in the...
Possibilities to aggregate raster cells through spatial optimization in forest planning
This study divided the forest into raster cells and used these cells as calculation...
Neural networks for predicting fracture toughness of individual wood samples
Strain energy release rate (G Ic ) of Pinus radiata in the TL opening mode was...
A dynamic programming model for optimising feeding and slaughter decisions regarding fattening pigs
Costs of purchasing new piglets and of feeding them until slaughter are the main...
Active control of radial rotor vibrations. Identification, feedback, feedforward, and repetitive control methods
Active vibration control methods for rotors were studied in order to develop solutions...
A new heuristic method for solving spatially constrained forest planning problems based on mitigation of infeasibilities radiating outward from a forced choice
A new heuristic method to mitigate infeasibilities when a choice is forced into a...
Three mathematical models for bucking-to-order
The aim of this paper is to investigate different mathematical approaches to...
Scheduling forest road maintenance using the analytic hierarchy process and heuristics
The management of low-volume roads has transitioned from focusing on maintenance...
On diversity effects of alternative agricultural policy reforms in Finland: an agricultural sector modelling approach
The European Union has decided to reform its agricultural policy and decouple Common...
Relationships between climate and winter cereal grain quality in Finland and their potential for forecasting
Many studies have demonstrated the effects of climate on cereal yield, but there has...
Quantity versus price competition in the deregulated Finnish electricity markets
The main motivation to deregulate Finnish electricity markets and introduce...
Deterministic seasonal volatility in a small and integrated stock market: the case of Sweden
Using daily data for the Swedish stock market for the last two decades, it appears...
Technical trading at the currency market increases the overshooting effect
It is shown in this letter that the magnitude of exchange rate overshooting is larger...
Optimizing the supply chain strategy of a multi-unit Finnish nursery company
This paper introduces a capacitated mixed integer programming (CMIP) model for solving...
A comparison of one- and two-compartment neighbourhoods in heuristic search with spatial forest management goals
This study presents a comparison of the performance of four heuristic techniques with...
Cost-effective measures for diffuse load abatement in forestry
This paper theoretically and empirically analyzes the design of cost-effective diffuse...
Height–diameter models for Scots pine and birch in Finland
Height–Diameter (H–D) models for two shade-intolerant tree species were...
Examining the performance of six heuristic optimisation techniques in different forest planning problems
The existence of multiple decision-makers and goals, spatial and non-linear forest...
Comparison of harvester work in forest and simulator environments
Harvester simulators offer a safe and cost-saving method for studying the basics of...
Finnish sawlog market under forest taxation reform
The stepwise transition in forest taxation from site productivity tax to taxation of...
Multilevel modelling of height growth in young Norway spruce plantations in southern Finland
Height development of Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) transplants was studied...
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