Country: Brazil

Found 369 papers in total
A global view of industrial logistics
The term ‘industrial logistics’ is a wide-reaching concept which...
Evaluation of physical distribution service: Relationship between the grocery industry, retailers and wholesalers
The objective of this paper is to present the results of research developed to...
Separable Augmented Lagrangians for the decomposition of large convex programs
Augmented Lagrangians are very attractive to regularize the classical dual methods for...
Techniques in stated preference for the analysis of hotel service
The usual way that customers show their response to service quality attributes is when...
A structural way for the study of Hamiltonian problems
A vertex-set partition in an undirected graph is defined in a way that information...
Scheduling with disjunctive constraints
The job shop scheduling problem consists of determining a sequence of jobs to be...
Applying an interior point algorithm to asset-liability models
The development of optimization models for financial planning has drawn an increasing...
Optimization problems related to the cut of paper reels: A dual approach
A mathematical model to the problem of minimizing paper losses and the total time for...
The meaning of TQM and phase-in strategies
Beginning with a sound analysis of Deming’s 14 principles, the article explores...
An overview of tradeoff curve analysis in the design of manufacturing systems
Uncertainty in manufacturing systems has long been the source of managerial...
A production control system to the cellular manufacturing part I: Decision support system for elaborating the master production scheduling
This paper and that of Part II (ordering system and operations scheduling) aims to...
Bill of Materials’ modeling: A proposal
This paper suggests a new idea to form a Bill of Materials, for heavy equipment...
Gráficos de controle com amostragem múltipla
The usual practice in using a control to monitor a process is to take only one sample...
Diffusion process and TQC (Total Qualty Control)
During the last decade, the concepts of so-called Japanese practices relating to...
Determining the set-up time in the Just-in-Time system
This work presents a methodology to appreciate the magnitude of the set-up in the...
Complexity-based implementation guidelines for Dynamic Programming: Bicriteria case
Although Dynamic Programming is one of the most used tools in optimization practice,...
Projection methods for the convex feasibility problem: A review
The paper reviews the properties of a projection on a nonempty closed convex set, and...
An exact method for the linear constraint satisfaction problem: Application to the satisfiability problem
This paper presents an improved version-denoted FAST93-of our method FAST which proves...
Minimization of a concave quadratic function subject to box constraints
The authors introduce a finite algorithm (MINBCQP) for finding a stationary point of a...
Implication graph and quadratic 0-1 optimization
The authors present in this paper a new approach for the optimization of a quadratic...
Planning, scenarios and Bayesian forecasting models
Planning and forecasting are two related activities in which the construction of...
Globalization and technological capability in LDC-less developed countries: Lessons to Brazil
The paper seeks to discuss the main courses of technological weakness in Brazilian...
Integration, flexibility and quality: The way to a new prdouctive paradigm
The objective of this paper is to report some results of exploratory research carried...
A survey of computer network design problems
Modern computer networks are complex entities that are difficult to design and manage....
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