A production control system to the cellular manufacturing part I: Decision support system for elaborating the master production scheduling

A production control system to the cellular manufacturing part I: Decision support system for elaborating the master production scheduling

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Article ID: iaor19971294
Country: Brazil
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 135
End Page Number: 155
Publication Date: Aug 1996
Journal: Gesto & Produo
Authors: ,
Keywords: cellular manufacturing

This paper and that of Part II (ordering system and operations scheduling) aims to integrate all production scheduling activities in a semi-repetitive cellular manufacturing environment. With the aim of clarifying what the authors mean by semi-repetitive cellular manufacturing, they have made a production systems classification and a cellular manufacturing taxonomy. The proposed system was conceptualized and computationally implemented in three modules (product, component and operation levels). The first level is treated in this paper and the other two are treated in the Part II.


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