Helmbold Robert L.

Robert L. Helmbold

Information about the author Robert L. Helmbold will soon be added to the site.
Found 5 papers in total
Direct and inverse solution of the Lanchester square law with general reinforcement schedules
We present direct and inverse solutions of the Lanchester square law attrition...
The Constant Fallacy: A persistent logical flaw in applications of Lanchester's equations
A particular logical flaw is continually being made in interpretations of Lanchester's...
Osipov: The ‘Russian Lanchester’
In 1915, practically contemporaneously with Lanchester, M. Osipov published a...
Validating Lanchester’s square law and other attrition models
This article addresses the question of validating the homogeneous Lanchestrian square...
Rates of advance in land combat operations
This article presents some of the highlights from a study of rates of advance in land...
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