Wee Hui-Ming

Hui-Ming Wee

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Found 28 papers in total
Revisiting a fuzzy rough economic order quantity model for deteriorating items considering quantity discount and prepayment
This study revisits a fuzzy rough economic order quantity (EOQ) model for...
A supplement to the EPQ with partial backordering and phase‐dependent backordering rate
In this note, we extend Pentico et al. (2011)'s EPQ model where the authors considered...
Retailer’s replenishment policy for deteriorating item in response to future cost increase and incentive‐dependent sale
In a competitive business environment, enterprises usually try to maximize their...
Two‐sided assembly lines balancing with assignment restrictions
Two‐sided assembly line is a set of sequential workstations where task...
Meta‐heuristic algorithms for solving a fuzzy single‐period problem
Single‐period problem (SPP) is a classical stochastic inventory model that has...
Particle swarm optimization for bi‐level pricing problems in supply chains
With rapid technological innovation and strong competition in hi‐tech...
Short life-cycle deteriorating product remanufacturing in a green supply chain inventory control system
Due to global warming, environmental consciousness and shortening product life-cycles,...
An inventory model for ameliorating and deteriorating items taking account of time value of money and finite planning horizon
The objective of this study is to develop an optimal replenishment inventory strategy...
A note on an economic lot size model for a perishable age-dependent inventory system with backorders
This paper discusses the production, inventory and backorder costs of an age-dependent...
Collaborative vendor–buyer inventory system with declining market
Due to rapid technological innovation, shortening product life cycle and severe...
An integrated production–inventory model with imperfect production processes and Weibull distribution deterioration under inflation
This study develops an integrated production and inventory model from the perspectives...
Optimal inventory model for items with imperfect quality and shortage backordering
In this study, we develop an optimal inventory model for items with imperfect quality...
An integrated production–inventory model with imperfect production processes and Weibull distribution deterioration under inflation
This study develops an integrated production and inventory model from the perspectives...
Production and inventory control with chaotic demands
This study explores an efficient approach for identifying chaotic phenomena in demands...
Integrated inventory model for deteriorating items under a multi-echelon supply chain environment
As the industrial environment becomes more competitive, supply chain management has...
The economic lot size of the integrated vendor–buyer inventory system derived without derivatives
In previous modellings of the vendor–buyer system, the buyer's economic order...
An integrated multi-lot-size production inventory model for deteriorating item
The integration of production and inventory model is one of the key factors of...
Replenishment and pricing policy for deteriorating items taking into account the time-value of money
A deteriorating inventory model taking into account the time-value of money is...
Exponentially decaying inventory with partial back-ordering
Most of the research in decaying inventory models considers either complete...
Deteriorating inventory model with quantity discount, pricing and partial backordering
Inventory models with quantity discount, pricing and partial backordering, although...
A variable production scheduling policy for deteriorating items with time-varying demand
In this study, an economic production scheduling policy which allows for variations in...
Economic production lot size for deteriorating items taking account of the time-value of money
This study applies the discounted cash-flow approach to a deterministic inventory...
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