Karabati S.

S. Karabati

Information about the author S. Karabati will soon be added to the site.
Found 5 papers in total
Cyclic scheduling in synchronous production lines
In this paper we address the scheduling problem in unpaced synchronous mixed-model...
A min-sum-max resource allocation problem
In this paper we describe a class of resource allocation problems with a min-sum-max...
Modelling and scheduling of an asynchronous cyclic production line with multiple parts
In this study, we model and analyse a production line with asynchronous part...
Stochastic cyclic scheduling problem in synchronous assembly and production lines
In this paper we address the stochastic cyclic scheduling problem in synchronous...
Games, critical paths and assignment problems in permutation flow shops and cyclic scheduling flow line environments
In this paper the authors address the non-preemptive flow shop scheduling problem for...
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