Cyclic scheduling in synchronous production lines

Cyclic scheduling in synchronous production lines

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Article ID: iaor20021171
Country: United States
Volume: 31
Issue: 8
Start Page Number: 709
End Page Number: 719
Publication Date: Aug 1999
Journal: IIE Transactions
Authors: ,

In this paper we address the scheduling problem in unpaced synchronous mixed-model production lines operated under a cyclic scheduling policy. We first discuss operations of a production line with the synchronous transfer of parts. We then present an integer programming formulation of the problem. The problem, however, is NP-hard, and for its exact solution we propose an implicit enumeration scheme. We discuss a property of the scheduling problem which allows us to effectively solve large size instances of the problem. We also present an approximate solution procedure with very good average performance. Useful managerial insights are obtained as we search for ways to improve the performance of synchronous lines. The relaxation of one of our original assumptions in the scheduling problem formulation results in an easy problem whose solution generates the absolute best in throughput performance configuration of the production line. Implementation of this solution, however, requires increasing the number of buffers in the line. We suggest other performance improvement ways to better balance the tradeoff between throughput and average Work-In-Progress inventory in the line.


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