Stochastic cyclic scheduling problem in synchronous assembly and production lines

Stochastic cyclic scheduling problem in synchronous assembly and production lines

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Article ID: iaor19992345
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 49
Issue: 11
Start Page Number: 1173
End Page Number: 1187
Publication Date: Nov 1998
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: ,
Keywords: production

In this paper we address the stochastic cyclic scheduling problem in synchronous assembly and production lines. Synchronous lines are widely used in the production and assembly of various goods such as automobiles or household appliances. We consider cycle time minimisation (or throughput rate maximisation) as the objective of the scheduling problem with the assumption that the processing times are independent random variables. We first discuss the two-station case and present a lower bounding scheme and an approximate solution procedure for the scheduling problem. For the general case of the problem, two heuristic solution procedures are presented. An extension of the two-station lower bound to the general case of the problem is also discussed. The performance of the proposed heuristics on randomly generated problems is documented, and the impact of scheduling decisions on problems with different levels of variability in processing times are analysed. We also analyse the problem of sequence determination when the available information is limited to the expected values of individual processing times.


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