Does luxury have a minimum price? An exploratory study into consumers’ psychology of luxury prices

Does luxury have a minimum price? An exploratory study into consumers’ psychology of luxury prices

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Article ID: iaor2014604
Volume: 13
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 2
End Page Number: 11
Publication Date: Feb 2014
Journal: Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management
Authors: , ,
Keywords: marketing

Consumer studies show that luxury evokes high prices. However, the remarkable growth of this sector is based on its extension to the middle class, with affordable prices. This is a paradox: luxury needs to be expensive, yet grew being accessible. Hence the question: If consumers want to access to luxury, below what price would they consider that it is no more luxury? Is there a minimum price? This research explores how consumers decode luxury prices, how are lower prices compatible with luxury. Strong brands have indeed a larger latitude for accessible pricing than new luxury brands.


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