Indian customers' attitude towards trust and convenience dimensions of internet banking

Indian customers' attitude towards trust and convenience dimensions of internet banking

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Article ID: iaor2012127
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 107
End Page Number: 122
Publication Date: Jan 2012
Journal: International Journal of Services and Operations Management
Authors: , ,
Keywords: service, internet

The purpose of this research was to understand the Indian customers' attitude towards convenience and trust in financial transactions in internet banking services. The findings suggest that convenience and trust are important in use of internet banking. Indian customers' use of internet banking is dependent on convenience attributes. The younger customers are likely to find internet banking convenient. Men and women differ in their attitude towards preference to use internet banking. The customers' fears can be addressed by banks and promotions can be devised to assure the customers about the security aspects of internet banking/transactions. There is limited research to study the trust factor in financial transactions through internet banking among Indian customers. Indian customers' attitude and fears towards hacking and frauds in internet banking have not been examined.


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