Ordering and production decisions with supply quality and demand uncertainty

Ordering and production decisions with supply quality and demand uncertainty

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Article ID: iaor19921255
Country: United States
Volume: 37
Issue: 12
Start Page Number: 1556
End Page Number: 1574
Publication Date: Dec 1991
Journal: Management Science
Authors: ,
Keywords: production, quality & reliability

This paper solves a production planning problem that has a direct bearing on the cost to a facility of vendor quality and reliability. This solution is also an important first step in solving the multi-plant coordination problem. It considers a manufacturing facility with one critical raw material, and one or more products whose demand needs to be met. It is assumed that demand for finished goods and the arrival process for raw material are stochastic. The paper calculates simultaneously the optimal production level, and the raw material order quantity which minimize the total expected cost subject to capacity and release level constraints. The results obtained by the present model (the integrated model) show that the production level should be no larger than the production level obtained by solving the integrated model. It is also able to characterize and evaluate the cost of reliable supplies of raw material. In addition the paper solves the above problem in the presence of capacity constraints. A procedure which allocates capacity to different products is presented.


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